So is Halo 3 still your favorite game? Do you enjoy just the same as you use to? Well I do wbu? Either feel free to leave a comment explaining why or why not OR just answer the Poll.....
Definitely over it. It was that phase in my life, but I just didn't see it in it's eyes no more. I had to break it off. I'll never forget all the memories that it and I had shared together... But seriously, Halo 3 is a 3 year old game. Many advancements have been made, and after playing something like COD or Battlefield which are more fast paced, I just can't go back to that. Hopefully, Reach changes this.
Halo was cool back in the day but now it's just some stupid game you play when it's rainy and everything else is getting lame too. I can't wait for Reach. It's always nice to have something to look forward to. CoD's multiplayer is complete bullshit and BFBC2 is fun but eventually you just get bored. Halo was fun but now it's just lame.
I rarely play anything but Halo 3. It still beats any other FPS I've played, even the newer ones. Halo 3 is just so inconstant, unlike MW2.
I've been tired of matchmaking for two years, but I doubt I'll ever get tired of Halo 3 customs. I still have a blast playing with friends, but it's definitely not the same as it used to be when I enjoyed matchmaking.
I'll pop in halo 3 in on a bi-daily basis. It still is a fun game, blasting someone's shields down then pop their head, or go into BTB and be the best hog driver the gunner has ever seen. Only difference now is that I need other friends to play with, and I'm not looking in MM because of the awesome community which is on par with MW2.
Ive always liked RPGs better than shooters anyway. Every shooter except halo is generic and boring. So Halo is still my favorite FPS and the only one I really play. MW2 is overhyped and boring..BFBC was always pretty stupid and will die as fast as the last one. Halo is really the only FPS with staying power.
I haven't played Halo 3 for an extended period of time for a long time. I love the story and the games but I just got burned out with them. I'm with Halo for the long haul but Halo 3 is pretty much done for me.
I still like Halo 3 a lot and I always play it on Fridays, but the game is old for me. I still like it and I can't wait for Reach, but until then I'll be playing MW2 and BC2.
I still love the halo gameplay. If the matchmaking included more custom maps and had better gametypes (AR starts on Valhalla should be made illegal) then I'd play it more. For now I play weekly/biweekly customs where we play what we want on any custom map we feel like and it's awesome.
I basically agree with this^ i've always been a bigger fan of RPGs rather than shoots. When I play a game I play it for the story, not the challenge or the multi-player which is why I've never liked games like COD or L4D(and please don't try to argue that L4D2 has a good story, it doesn't). Anyhoo back on point, Halo, well it is no longer the game I play the most (Fallout 3/Oblivion are now) i wouldn'y say i've gotten bored of it since i still enjoy forge.
Halo 3 is still the best game on Xbox for me. The only other FPS I like to play is CoD4. They did too much with MW2 to make it fun.
I love going back on it every once it a while to mess around with elephant glitches, or with all skulls activated on the campaign. I'm bored of it, yes, but it's still one of the best games i have.
I agree with most of you people, I mean halo is kinda boring now...I just go play some customs with friends here and there. But overall the game sucks besides forge and customs! Waiting for halo reach which should be exciting