Halo 2: Why We Mod

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Cryptokid, Mar 14, 2009.

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  1. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    Ya so this vid is from one of the first websites I joined, this video demonstrates what they've done with modding. They are 100% completely against cheating and will go insane even at the mention of playing mods on live so this video shouldn't be against the rules. They just mod for discovery and fun. No threads about playing on live at that site. LoL mods don't infract k? (I am not advertising this site in any way)


    When I first saw this video I went insane cuz I thought it was so amazing. It shows people modding beyond the crap they see on xbox live and that its not all about cheating. Tell me what you guys think. Note This Video IS NOT BY ME! Its by Exile Lord.

    Original video desription:

    The song used in the video is Purple Heart by goat. You can find it here. ReMix: Rush'n Attack 'Purple Heart' - OverClocked ReMix

    This is the product of about a months worth of filming and editing. None of the footage seen in this vid was done on Xbox Live. Every mod seen here is a multiplayer mod apart from the mainmenu and dashboard of course.

    As many of you know, Halo 2 modding for the most part now has a blackened name thanks to some members of the modding community. Due to the easiness of Xbox "softmodding" and the ease of getting the files required to perform it, modding Halo 2 on Xbox Live spread quickly. This hurt matchmaking in Halo 2 even further as there was still abuse of network manipulation in addition to the new threat...

    This project was meant to change that. We wanted to show the general community that modders are not a bad thing, that we do what we do out of curiosity and for fun. I think most members of the modding community would agree with that.

    I would like to give a special thanks to farklem, Darth Jiggles, and xbox7887. Without them, this vid wouldn't have turned out the way it did.
  2. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    I have no affiliation with the original poster, but I would like to add these words.

    I can assure you that the site {N}Nivlac is talking about is 100% against cheating and has never condoned the use of mods on Xbox Live. Don't jump all over him just because you've seen the word "mod." Just watch the video and be amazed with everything modders have accomplished over the years.

    This video was made by ExileLord, a former moderator on Halomods.
  3. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    Thanks for the backup Raven! LoL he's right, Mod = Awesome on that site.
  4. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    See... Back when I had halo 2 I never got into modding or playing anybodies mods...

    Now I really wish I had :/
  5. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    I know, the video can be quite inspiring, some of the levels shown in the video would be really great in halo 3 as they were fully playable in halo 2. Maybe a colored member will see this and make a map lol.
  6. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    A coloured member doesn't have to make it....

    But it does make me wonder, why does nobody mod Halo 3 like this? I know that Microsoft keeps such a tight grip on xbox live its impossible online, but you could do it do a 360 for local play...
  7. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    There is currently no .map resigner for halo 3 and the only possible modding is done by a developer's kit which limits you to modding only by metaphorically refreshing the page (I'm not the best at explaining this)

    Senior Member

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    sorry, rules are rules. whether the site is for or against cheating is irrelevant. no modding discussion takes place at FH. apologies, but locked.
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