Halo 2 still alive on Xbox Live with 14 players left

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shihuru, Apr 30, 2010.

  1. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    The GossipGamers.com article reads:

    "Microsoft had finally pull the plug on ‘Halo 2′ on Xbox Live and gamers had to say their goodbyes on April 15th. However, a bunch of gamers found a loophole through this by not turning off their Xbox and disconnecting from their games, which means until they either drop from the game or be forced off the server.

    Joe Campbell posted this on the Bungie forums:

    As of now the numbers of players are at fourteen because most of the gamers in the small group are having problems staying in the game. I say using your Xbox 360 and staying on Xbox Live for 12 days is a feat itself, but hey they doing this not for glory or recognition, but for the love of the game. Joe Campbell will keep updating the list of players still inside the game until it goes down to 0.

    I can see Disney making a buck out of this with a movie."

    I thought this was pretty funny when I heard of it on Attack of the show yesterday. I would have been one of the 14 players still connected onto the original xbox live, but sadly I was able to find the rest of the components that goes with my original xbox. i salute the players still on halo 2 for their dedication.

    Its giving gamers something to talk about while we say goodbye to Halo 2 and the the original Xbox live we've all come to love and spend 23 hours of our daily lives with.

    Does anyone know the gamertags of these players still sign onto the old xbox live? Have they finally been kicked off of it?
    #1 Shihuru, Apr 30, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2010
  2. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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