I TRIED to recreate the Halo 2 cover. I succeeded with the lighting, but I couldn't find a map with the right backround. http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21372436
if I was you, I would try the last level of halo3, it would give that great background of destruction that the 2nd had.
Try this Set shields to 0%, and set up invinciblity build a box (be inside it), with loads of infinite respawn fusion coils set 'em off get into that pose.
a fiend shooting a fusion coil is good enough try that to get the best halo 2 look, still well done looks pretty cool
The pose looks really good, but yeah, try to find a better map. . . Is there a campaign level that looks a bit like it, not just the destruction, but what it is.
These comments are more than I expected. The cover of Halo 2 has some sort of post-apocolyptic city. Anyone know of a map that has that?