Just got sent this by my friend: source There's a Bungie.net thread here There are also two streams running on and off, here and here. It's dedication, you've got to give them that...
Whats the point? halo 2 is done, over, old mine as well just give up original xbox support so we can get more Friends on our friends lists in the xbox 360. But yes dedication indeed
Idk, they're not gonna be on forever realistically, I say good on 'em for as long as this can last. It's testament to how much people loved that game and still do in many cases, down the line it'll be another reason to point back to H2, or Halo in general, and say 'now that was awesome.'
I wish I was that dedicated to any that cause as well. To bad I didn't play the game long enough to be motivated enough to keep on trollin like them.
theres 8 at the moment. it goes to show how great a game halo 2 is that people have sacrificed their xboxs to play a few more days.
I might have tried to be part of that, but all my good Halo 2 memories are split-screen and co-op, so it wouldn't be worth it to me.
I really dont see this happening in however many years when they disconnect the 360 for the next console. I don't think that many people are that dedicated to halo 3 or reach.
Awww, that brings a little tear to my eye That's so cool, mad props to them. That's because H3 and Reach will never be as cool as H1 or H2 :/