this was hilarious! today i was playing halo 2 vista on my vista, and i noticed several funny marine quotes. one of them was on that mission where you kill the prophet. at the beginning, one of my guys got shot, and yelled "aah! my Tuchus!" if you have any jewish friends or are jewish like me, you know a tuchus is your ass. another time, playing in the first earth level, i think i was either in the hog part at the end, or i was on the tank part at the beginning of the next level, this guy screamed "it burns" then the other guy riding was like "Dude, you're not even bleeding". it was pretty funny. anyone else got some funny marine quotes? or elite for arbiter levels? i found a ton, but i forgot most of them. oh and its not really funny, but cortana called wraiths wraths. like she pronounced it wrath, i dont know why.
Yeh this gave me a flashback back in the Halo 2 days. I remember those quotes. Grunts had some funny ones too. And I am also Jewish lol my bar mitzvah in Jan 24!
I was playing online capaign with my friend and it was halo3. Were were on the very 1st infection levle you play and with both died. When we respawned the computer arbitor said: "SO HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE DEAD?" "WAIT DON'T ANSWER THAT."
Ya I'm jewish 2 don't u say it tush? lol you should join my jewish ppl group i have a link somewhere but i'm 2 lazy to post it lol
really, congrats. i had mine last june, june 28th. good luck, hope you studied. lol im such a douche, now hes gonna think that its like really hard or something