My friend Spazmonkey92 had been asking me to skin him a ghost for a while now so i finally decided to do it and here it is YouTube - halo 2 ghost skin mod feel free to comment also you can check out my channel for more glitching videos but so far this is the only mod SEAMONKEYS FTW!!!!!!
this was just me messin about for my friend it wasnt anything planned then i just made a short vid a put it on youtube so he could see and i decided to show it to you so stop complaning
umm well you can only do it on halo 2 and you need a transferecable or xport or xsata, once you have that its just basically extracting an image then changing it to how you want the injecting it back into the map and el presto there you have it, if you actually have any of the things needed thenm message me and ill tell you how to do it more throughly fair enough i do have a warthog skin, just tell me if you guys like this kind of thing and i can make more for you to see also i could send you the image so you could edit it yourselves and i could inject it and make another video and post it so you could see