Those of you that go around saying "This thread is not up to standards" because a thread has only one pic, you're mistaken about this thread. The one pic is enough, contrary to popular belief. Anyway, great attention to detail, especially with the Elite's eyes and the other secret areas. I'll DL and look around, come up with a few suggestions for configuring this map for actual gameplay. I'll add to this post when I gather my thoughts. Expect another DL for your Recon helmet map too. EDIT: This map would definitely make a good objective game map. All it needs is a bit of configuring in Forge. Although, there is one weapon I'd add to the Spartan helmet - the Assault Rifle! The AR was used in the H1 AND H3 campaign as the usual starting weapon. It really deserves to be included in the Spartan memorial in the next version. The classic Warthog also deserves a spot, simply because it is the vehicle of choice for getting around fast with plenty of all-purpose firepower following you. The Elite head is well done, and has the trademark weapons of the Covenant - the plasma rifle and pistol, the needler, and the favorite of the Elites, the Carbine. The Wraith in the back makes sense, but the Ghost deserves a spot in V2 as well. Small, fast, and manuverable, it's great for scouting and anti-infantry operations. With a good driver in the seat, they're always are a problem in campaign and matchmaking alike. It deserves a little bit of honor. In the end, I'm definitely going to DL V2 if and when it comes out. Great job in all!
Yeah, I made this a long time ago, and Now I can see most of my flaws. I plan to make v2 a game map. So far the Arbiter is a pretty good base.
this is pretty good considering how most of my first maps were a jumble of boxes on foundry that i called a "base"
I DLed this before I even saw it here. I'm pretty sure it was on the "best halo 1 and halo 2 remakes" thread. When I first started, I didn't know what the purpose of these two odd structures were and then I realized what they actually were and went :0 5/5
nah its good. good idea. it looks superb. 8/10 even w/o interlocking. if i were you, though, i'd do it again
Loving the mark V helmet .. But the other helm is hard to see .. I would take another screenshot showing the other one .. Great job though! =]
Haha good remakes of the helmets (enlarged too). I saw your recon helmet, adn I thin kthat is probably better than these, but these are still very good. Oh btw, could you also post a pic showing more of the elite... or have you given it only half a face