Lol I cant remember the names of any others. I remember the one with the ice and snow and the cave. I remember the one with all the teleporters. I remember the one with all of the tombs I remember the one that had all the weird colors. Waterworks? Or Covenant or something.
The best Halo map was by far Danger Canyon... 8v8 CTF was epic on that map... :squirrel_rocking: -Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
Hang 'em High was the best map other. Magic shotgun for the win! But since you didn't put that... Longest.
Oh yeah Death Island was good too... I think it might have been second biggest map (first being sandtrap of course) and I liked how it was the same as the actual level of Silent Cartographer too... but I liked Danger Canyon(best Halo map of all 3 games :squirrel_rocking, Hang 'Em High, Gephygraphobia (Spelling?), and Wizard - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
Yea these choices are terrible and you might as well have removed the poll and just asked for favorite Halo maps
There was some good ones. Bloodgulch was of course, awsome. Another of my favorites was hang em' high.
I miss bloodgulch so much. I'd say it not being there is the one thing that disappointed me about Halo 3. Yes, even more than Hang Em' High or Lockout, although I liked those almost as much. My best memories from H1 and H2 were on that map.
Blood Gulch without a doubt. It was my brother's favorite level, and it was our favorite in Halo 2. Too bad they didn't bring it back, though. It would have been great in Halo 3, especially with the addition of the Forge feature.