
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Metzelda, Feb 1, 2009.

  1. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    Guys, if you're going to post, post something constructive. As for the map, may I direct you to the Forging 101. This is all the things you will need to make a professional looking map. The Testers Guild is something you may want to check out before posting your next map. As for the layout, try at least 2 entry ways into every base. Instead of just 1 single hallway, you may want 1 center hallway and an outside map with other pathways into the back of the tunnel. Clean up your weapons list, less nades, maybe 6 per side max. Less close up weapons, and no rockets/ fuel rods for teeny tiny close quarters map. Good job on your map post though, just keep forging and you'll keep getting better.
  2. mauserman

    mauserman Ancient
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    theres 2 areas and a long hwallway that is porly made.it seems to have to much weapons as well.1/5
  3. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Next person to flame him gets an infraction. No warning, just straight infraction. Me writing this is the warning.

    I'll commend the few members who actually tried to give him constructive feedback, the rest of you should be ashamed. Is that how you would like to be treated if it were you?

    Also, moved to casual.
  4. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    Hooray! My post report did something! I agree, y'all are all flaming this guy to hell way too much, give him a break. I agree with The Yellow, maybe he likes this stuff. You guys belong on the B.net forums if you're acting like this.
  5. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
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    s by the way one picture still cant tell im sorry but maybe u could look at the foring guide lines im sorry maybe its better then every one say thats its bad keep trting 1/5 but i think the spawn killing would be a prob lem so yeah keep forging tho
  6. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Okay, i'm guessing this is a first effort. Perhaps you could try adding in more corridors, make it a more open space with cover.

    Also try to decrease the amount of grenades on the map put weapons like the SMG and shotgun and either remove the rockets or create ways to make it less devastating.

    I suggest reading mot of the forging tutorials to get an idea of the stuff you need to do.

    Forging 101 - Forge Hub Halo Forums
  7. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
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    this map is very pointless it has no meaning except the whole idea of crazyiness maybe if the tunnel had been more constructed with some geomerging and interlocking with this you should make a v2, just make sure you know how to interlock and geomerge people find great qualities about things like that
  8. KevinXI

    KevinXI Ancient
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    Wow, I wish my maps would get this many comments within 5 hours of it being posted! Lol, the only reason I clicked on this link was to make sure your we're copying my map, and I see that you haven't which is good. I think it is kinda funny how people are quick to judge maps based off pictures rather than the concept of the map. I think the tunnel concept is a very good one, yet people on these forums are used to seeing awesome maps and wont tolerate anything less. You should take this hallway idea and run with it, maybe post more pictures and explain to the audience what you're trying to convey. Don't be bummed out, this is your first map and I see potential.
  9. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    ya i agree, he put a lot of time into actulally posting the map, it was very unfun for me when i did it once. then he gets yelled at by everyone else, which is also unfun.this map would be okay with a v2 when you learn more techniques...
    and when i made my first map, it was on last resort and i was just seeing what forge even was.i figured out how to put a weapon down and i did, in the end i had a big pile of weapons and i thought it was the best map on earth.
    as i look at this i see that it was his first map, and was so much better than mine.if you were to put more time into looking at other peoples maps it would definately help.
  10. ott2own

    ott2own Ancient
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    Wow 777 downloads.... Must be an epic map!!

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