woot! first post! it looks really cool. way to forge it. 9/10. nicely done its good. yeah i'm procrastinating on my map too...
I will start with the layout. It looks very good. The way you have it set up seems like it would make some interesting gameplay. The Hallway Technique is cool because you have two options of where your going while beeing shot at. You can go straight for the person on run away from them backwards witch is allways fun. Swat seems like it would be a blast aswell. I also am impressed with the amount of interlocking done on this map. All in all it looks like a blast!
^^ oh I'm glad you liked it lol. usually when people say I'll start with the layout I think bleh . But yay .
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Community Reviewer: dented_drum =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Map Review- Hallway Description: 4/5 Your description was very accurate. I would've liked to have seen some details on the pictures, though. I saw a few things in-game that you could've explained in the thread to help out your map, also. Finally, you gave a Weapons/Equipment list, but you didn't give spawn times/spare clip count. That hurt you as well. A few mistakes give you a 4/5. Pictures: 4/5 What I see is pretty solid. Again, there were things I saw in-game that you could've shown in your thread here. For the most part, you covered the hot spots. You could've deleted the ceiling and given a picture overview, but your outline suffices well for that. What hurt you here is the fact that you didn't give a description for each picture. Map Idea: 3.5/5 I like that you had a goal in creating it. The long lines of sight seem like they'd be pretty fun in-game. However, it's not an idea that's completely new to ForgeHub. Symmetrical, tight-cornered maps aren't the most popular type, but they're not difficult to find. Map Quality {layout}: 3.5/5 I'm not gonna lie. When I was flying around this map, I had you pinned for at least a 4.5/5 on this. When I checked the spawn times on all the weapons, you dropped a whole point. There are two Snipers in a close-quarters map. Now, I've placed a Sniper in a CQC map before, but never more than one and never on such a quick respawn time. It doesn't appear as if you've touched any of the respawn times for any weapons. This hurts a map severely. Finally, it appears as if one could easily get caught in grenade spam. The tunnels have cover, but with so little room to jump and so few ways to escape, it's just a matter of who gets the grenade to you first. Map Quality {looks}: 4.5/5 This was really your best part, as the grade shows. Everything looked superb. You actually gave me an idea for another map with the small crevices in the upper left and right corners of each base. Those were simply beautiful. I must say, I am thoroughly impressed with how clean and neat this map looks. Great job. Overall: 3.7/5 I'd like to keep all my grades at a .5 or .0, but with the weapon spawn times and grenade spam issues, I couldn't give you a 4/5. Granted, I grade pretty harshly, in my opinion. So, I wouldn't take too much of this to heart. The issues I pointed out are something I feel that anyone would see as a problem. I tried to counter that with how simply beautiful your map looks. Overall, it's not something I'd have a problem playing on with some friends. Nice job, bro. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ~dented_drum (FH) being2nosey (Bnet) Want another map reviewed? Want to become a reviewer? Message me.
I think a basic weapon list is enough for a post. You really cannot tell how necessary weapon spawn times are until you've been in a map. Having two snipers in this map is a balance solution, having one would make games lopsided and ultimately not as fun. The spawn times are another issue, but on a small map its always important to have weapons nearby, so I don't think it should really hurt the rating of this particular map as much as other, more open aired maps. As far as grenades go, I'd remove all grenades in the map and replce them with spike grenades. With all of the walls as close as they are, spikes become much more dangerous without becoming "spammy", as was mentioned in the review above. The map looks pretty fun overall and I'm looking forward to playing it.
Indeed, the Snipers don't necessarily hurt the map at all. To say that weapon selection (within a certain boundary limit, obviously) from the map-maker is a cause for an effect on the rating is ridiculous. I was more upset by the fact that I saw no change in any spawn times. That says to me: lack of effort. Effort is what I like to measure, to some extent. Obviously, someone could work for weeks on a map and it could still come out pretty badly, but I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this. Spike Grenades seem like a great solution to the spam problem. Although, I believe, DTL, if you check it in-game, you'll see what I was talking about with grenade spam. The ceiling is pretty low, so low that you hit it with a single jump. He might have done this intentionally, but it hurts the map, in my opinion.