Ohh yes you read right its me again with my last map until about december. I present to you all-- Hallway Fun weapons -- 1 Shotgun/12 shots (120 sec spawn) -- 1 Sniper/ 4 shots (180 sec spawn) Less Fun Weapons -- 2 AR/ 96 shots (30 sec spawns) -- 2 DMR/ 45 shots (45 sec spawns) -- 2 Magnums/ 24 shots (30 sec spawns) -- 1 spiker/ 80 shots (60 sec spawns) Stuff --1 CPU (180 sec spawns) --2 Plazma nades (30 sec spawns) --4 frag nades (30 sec spawns) --2 Healthpacks (15 sec spawns) Pictures (i will describe the layout as i go) So here we have red spawn underneath the incline and up the incline it wraps around to the shotgun spawn. Here you can see the top of red spawn underneath it is a sender that can teleport you to bottom snipe. the shot gun is up top. this is the hallway coming up from shot gun spawn. up at the bottom of the picture is the landing spot for the blue lift. the hallway bellow is identical. This is the center bridge. Its got the cpu on top and below is the spiker. In the back is the lift and blue spawn. Top middle of the picture is blue spawn. behind wone of the building blocks is an opening that leads behind to the teleporter hallway. The dmr is up a ramp in snipe room. This is the Teleporter reciever and Snipe room. the incline in there leads up to the dmr we saw in the last pic. --End pics-- So hallway is a slightly small map featuring some long interactions. Some of the lines of sight were too long and that led to the baricades in the shotgun, and tele hallways. I remember discussions in other maps where 4 plasma nades in a 1v1 map were frowned apon because the could be considered power weapons. Thus only two were put on this map. Also to proove that i did test it the sniper used to have an extra clip but that was just super dooper OP. And maybe thats just because i suck with the sniper and it stayed in my friends hand the whole 8 shots. However 8 shots was far too long so i cut it down to 4. The shotties extra clip was no problem because it exchanged hands several times in the process. 4 Player FFA highly recomended. Enjoy it and love it and roll in its beauty DL links at the top.
From the pics it looks plane beside from using the big grey walls you should have made it in the hanger or use something eles for walls. There are places where there are zfighting you should fix up. I dont know about game play cuz I didnt get a party to try it yet
Yes unfortunatly the z fighting has been a problem that i noticed. mostly people rushing up to top lift because a fight would happen there the person would wait for there shields to charge up before some one took the advantage to beat up on them. And it doesnt take a big lobby to test it. EDIT 4 player ffa highly recomended PS made a mistake forgot to save the 4 shot snipe save before i went to the store so its still got 8 total