HALLWAY By Ziqqe1337 Description A small and narrowed map that really encourage fighting across the sides. Plays all FFA variants. 2-6 players. Hallway is my very first Halo Reach Forge map, and it's made entirely by me. It is a very small and narrowed map that is almost symmetrical. It plays Free for all Gametypes very well, in fact so well that i made a own Custom Gametype. I am also going to submit this map to the 2v2 Throwdown contest, to get noticed and get more downloads. The main idea for this map was to make a bigger, more Forerunner-like structure that i would call "Relic". But almost directly after i started Forging, i realized that this wasn't the Relic of my dreams. Instead, the main idea from Relic (a open space in the middle with balcony's over it) made me forge this map into something diffrent. I decided to call it Hallway. So, both teams spawns at the "ends" of the map, which could make you having a DMR duel after a few seconds already! Both teams could then move up to the balconys or down in the center in the same way. Thats why it's almost symmetrical. At each balcony, there is a teleporter, taking you to the other side. Out of ammo? No good aim? Take the teleporter and melee your enemy instead! All weapons spawn are balanced so it doesn't matter which balcony youre on or which team you play as. Gametypes This map did actually support all gametypes at first (except for Invasion and Race of course) but i took the Team Games away. You're free to add them if you want, maybe i will to that for a v2 if thats needed, but for now, this map will play FFA gametypes. I save the Team one's to "Relic", that i will make later on. Now you maybe wonder what the FFA is all about? Well, it's everyone versus everyone! I made a gametype that i call FFA you can play with the map if you want. It's really just basic slayer - but with only Sprint/Evade as armor starts. Starting weapons are Assault Rifle and DMR and you have 2 of each grenade. Download it here: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Other supported gametypes are: Headhunter - Where the drop points is at both team's spawn, making you vulnerable running with you back exposed for snipers at the balconys. Oddball - The ball spawns near the Sword Middle Crazy King - 4 hills that move around randomly Juggernauth - Don't really know so much about Juggernauth I am actually thinking of Infection support, but i think it will play poorly. Weapons & Vehicles Weapon List Assault Rifle x6 DMR x4 Spiker x4 Needler x2 Shotgun x2 Sniper x1 Sword x1 Frags x8 Plasma x8 NOTE: No rocket launcher, even tough i love that for FFA maps and split-screen play! It wouldn't be balanced. Each team have even weapon spawn, for example: The Red team has a Shotgun at the left down the "spawn-hill" and the Blue Team have their Shotgun at their left. I put Spikers in cause i never use them, but now i have a chance. There in evry map corner. If you could have Flamethrowers, as in Halo 3, i would have that in the map. Probably in the middle. Vehicle list Since this is a small indoor map, there is no vehicles on it. FINAL WORDS Well, i myself enjoy this map. Probably casue it's mine, but really i do. I play on it alot with friends who don't have Halo (or Xbox for that matter) on split-screen, and they love it. I have also tried some Customs on it, and must say i like how it plays. Now, to screenshots (all directions (right-left) are as seen from loadout screen/blue spawn) : The initial Loadout Screen, also it's a perfect overview of the map. Enjoy The Red team spawn The Blue Spawn Red team Shotgun spawn. Infront of the Covenant Roadblock, it's a Spiker. You can also get to the Right Balcony from here (right form the loadout screen). A stairway to the left Balcony (left from loadout screen). This is located to Red Teams right side. The right Balcony - you see a tunnel to Blue spawn underneath it The left Balcony The right balcony's teleporter, taking you to left balcony. The Sniper spawns here. A tunnel, taking you from the middle safely to Blue sides right. A Spiker spawns in here. The Sword spawns in the maps center. It's hard to hold this position, cause you can get shot from both balcony's and both team spawns. Now to action-shots! Fantastic gameplay including me as a Elite Ranger by some reason Gotcha now! The Sword is a good thing aaaargh! Fight! This is the location of Blue Team Shotgun. You can also see some beatiful waterfalls trough the window. Not in the picture though. Hi there... A look on how cross - balcony fighting can be. Even tough this guy try to run away from my DMR :'( Boys, im up here! Close quarters in stairway = YEAY! Well folks, that was it from my first map ever on Forge World (or not my VERY first but you know what i mean). I certainly hope you download it and enjoy it! [br][/br]Edited by merge: NOTES: *Some words are spelled wrong or so, but i am to tired to fix that atm. You have to live with that for now. **thanks to likemike, who suggested the map should be called Affixment in the future. For the v2 i will make a name change on the file. Will also add infection and better team support. Probably make a railing around the rock garden too and fix the color fails.
This looks sick for being your first map. i like indoor maps with lots of corners. good idea linking the balconies together with the teleporter. that way you dont require a jet pack. ill give it a DL!
Thank you! Nice that you like the teleporter idea. I didn't really wanted armor abilities on the map (thats why i play with sprint/evade only in customs) so the teleporter was the way to go.
This is definetly a great map. I love how you added windows, so you could see outside. It also looks like you took your time forging this map, everything looks neat and the weapons look like they are placed in good positions. But, a few things..if possible could you put something around that rock/grass garden, so it doesn't look like the grass is just coming right outta the metal floor? Like maybe a few railings or something just to make it look aesthetically pleasing. And the name of this map is kinda boring, I know you probably tried to get this map posted because you were excited about it, but try to come up with a more creative name, something that didn't take you 5 mins to come up with. Overall, this map looks fun as hell to play on. Good job man.
I was actually thinking of the ramp thing you know, but the where to big and did destroy some "floW", but i can of course give it a new try. The story behind the name is long actually. I myself hate the name, i was sitting for hours looking for names that would fit but ended up just stealing other map names. I decided to call it Hallway just beacause it's neutral, and really had to post the map soon for the contest and other reasons. If anyone have a better name idea, pls give it to me, because Hallway is actually bad.
I agree with all the above, but have a few other suggestions. The spawns are VERY bland. Try to spice them up with some color. You do know you can change an objects color right? If you do, I apologise if I may have offended you. If you dont, please do. It can be changed in the object's "X" menu by changing the objects "Team" or "Team Color". It will add appeal and will allow players to distinguish parts of the map from others. It wouldn't hurt to put some cover on the upper railings either. They scream death zone to me.
Actually, the spawn sides are suppose to have color. Thank you for saying it, cause the part "strut" should have team colors (red & blue). I will edit it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Hey guys, if i change somethings about the map (and maybe even map name) do i have to re-upload the map or can i make new screenshots only? [br][/br]Edited by merge: What do you mean? the Balconies?
version 1.2 PATCH is now up, but it isn't the final! I will make v1.3 later with Stockpile and further, but don't have the time now (working on 3 other maps!). * Added more color to spawns (bottomside of Platform XL like all other maps) * Sword Spawn time - 90 sec * Sniper now has 1 spare clip and 60 sec spawn * Shotguns have 1 spare clip and 45 sec spawn * Needlers have 40 sec spawn * Slightly moved objects to make the map look more beautiful * Added crates on left balcony so it don't seem so empty * Added a Hologram with 90 sec spawn in the middle * Added a railing around the Rock Garden * Added a few other objects for the aesthetics. Changes to FFA gametype: The loadouts aren't DMR / AR with either Evade or Sprint now. Instead the loadouts now look like this: Recon: DMR + Magnum, 2x Frag + 2x Plasma, Evade Marksman: Assault Rifle + Magnum, 2x Frag + 2x Plasma, Sprint And for the Elites: Recon: Needle Rifle + Plasma Pistol, 2x Frag + 2x Plasma, Evade Marksman: Plasma Repeater + Plasma Pistol, 2x Frag + 2x Plasma, Sprint **Will change the names of the Elite classes** ***Thinking of removing 1 of each grenade so you have 1x Frag + 1x Plasma instead*** The Custom Power-Up doesn't change your color and you're not as overpowered as before.
If you have two teleporters across from each other, that doesn't help at all. If they have a direct sightline on each other, it's kind of pointless. Maybe make a tac jump over the middle if you want to get across. Also, in this pic, the incline is WAY too steep. Try to avoid/fix that. I'd suggest ladders, or grav lifts.
The teleporters are going to stay. They make the gameplay a little various and are fun to use. Yes, you see each other from across the balconies, but the teleporter ain't pointless because of that. They increase the movement on the map. And that incline is to step, I know that. You are of course able to walk it, but I might see if I can fix it. I had troubles there when making the map, but Grav Lifts or Ladders ain't going to help that. They will just be "wrong" in the way the map is going to be played/being played. Although, thanks for your suggestions!
I really like some of the designs including the windows with rocks behind them and the grass/rock structure. I also like how this map was made for FFA (I think we need more FFA maps). The only thing I would change is remove the teleporters, I just think this style of map would be better without teleporters.
The inter-balcony fighting is great, and having them both connected by teleporters is great, and limits the need for armor abilities. It will make for more retro, C.E.-like gameplay, which I love, personally, and the close-cornered, close-quarters feel to it is also really quite nice. Really nice first map, dude!
Big thanks to you guys! I see that the teleporters is almost a 50/50 situation, but they are there for a reason. A good reason too - I like them. As you say Amalgamatiqn, they make it feel more classic. And I didn't want AA on this map except for Sprint/Evade - so they are just great!