What'd you do? I did absolutely nothing. I tried to play my Xbox 360, but I never made it through my first match, it 'developed' RRoD. Again. After that I decided to play some **** Zombies on CoD: WaW on my brother's PS3, that was fun for awhile. Then decided to 'peruse' my online junk: email, xbox.com, bungie.net, myspace, facebook, this place, etc., etc., etc. Junk like that and whatnot. I get back on zombies to eventually just sigh and say "**** it," and get back on the computer, where I am right now, to cap off my day by posting this thread. My life's one big roller-coaster of fun, no? :]
Guess what?... I did the same thing too... All I really did today was watch a little bit of TV and mostly just listened to the radio while I'm online. I thought about getting online but I couldn't really think what I wanted to play. (Which reminds me, I broke my promise to my TGIF participants by not getting on.) I did the usual of checking Twitter, Facebook, Email, etc, and then watched/finished some Anime I've been putting off for too long. Well, that was basically my Halloween and it was pretty good to be lazy. Although, I did get a call from work that I had to come in for a Gamestop store meeting today. I have no idea what they will need me for but, I'll be there! By the way... Happy Halloween!
I can't play xbox live because connection problems right now... I woke up at 4 AM, played fallout 3, went paint-balling until about 3PM, came home and now I'm playing oblivion
Today, I chilled, went to McDonald, chilled, chilled, chilled, ate out, chilled, tried to get a ride. Not much fun.
Played Xbox... started with some awesome GTA and stuff, then Geometry wars, then Halo... then NFS... then also hung out with a friend, ate the candy out of our candy bowl and ate some cupcakes. I can feel teh fat forming.
well, i got shot in the face by my idiot friends, got back at him by breaking a plasitc sword on his leg, called it even. the we chilled and ate candy and played the box. then we fell asleep and now it is morning. llololololololololololololoololoollololololol
Got so drunk I;m still a bit drunk this morning, lost my wallet but had a truly epic night sressed as a zombie hawaiian. My flatmate drunkely told us she wanted to have a threesomw with me and my other flatmate, mega lolz.
Party. Alarm went off. Everyone ran. We all went back. Alarm went off again. Half the people ran. I and a few others decided to chill out by my car for a little bit. We saw a police car drive into the housing development and circle around. We drove around the development. Cop car circled the party house a few times. No one ran and they all turned off the lights and hid for like two hours. The people I was with who had gotten out earlier went and partied at some other places while the other people were cowering in fear. McDonalds to end the night.
[9:17:20 AM] Insane54 (Aaron): sh 2th anon [9:17:27 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: OMG [9:17:31 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: Im so ****ing tired [9:17:43 AM] Insane54 (Aaron): it's called a hangover [9:17:46 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: no [9:17:48 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: no alcohol [9:17:52 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: but basically [9:18:00 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: we treak or treat this one house [9:18:08 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: give us a case of Verge energy drinks [9:18:10 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: I had 4 [9:18:21 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: turns out they've expired already [9:18:22 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: :/ [9:18:27 AM] Insane54 (Aaron): looool [9:19:33 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: so yea [9:19:45 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: went to kick-back at a friends house [9:19:53 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: at about 5 [9:20:00 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: talked n stuff [9:20:09 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: went trick or treatin around 7 [9:20:10 AM] Insane54 (Aaron): lololol [9:20:16 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: came back [9:20:17 AM] Insane54 (Aaron): oh PM [9:20:25 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: ordered some pizzas [9:20:42 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: and most peeps left around 10:30ish [9:20:50 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: watched Paranormal Activity [9:20:57 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: (screening bootleg) [9:21:01 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: lulz [9:21:05 AM] Insane54 (Aaron): lol fail [9:21:10 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: no fail! [9:21:15 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: lol win! [9:21:45 AM] Insane54 (Aaron): FAIL [9:22:40 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: oh [9:22:45 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: then we yead [9:22:52 AM] Insane54 (Aaron): sumolounge.com [9:22:55 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: no lemme finish [9:22:58 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: kk? [9:23:01 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: anywho [9:23:15 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: after movie I talked with friends more [9:23:20 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: then around 12ish [9:23:28 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: they started "The Orphan" [9:23:32 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: dumb movie [9:23:38 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: boring as hell [9:23:57 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: and then yea [9:24:07 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: we were all suppose to go to sleep around 2 [9:24:13 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: but we couldnt [9:24:21 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: twas the energy drinks [9:24:29 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: so we stayed up till 5 [9:24:38 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: and some peeps left [9:24:45 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: and then yea [9:24:52 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: I slept for about 2 hours [9:24:56 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: then came home [9:25:00 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: lol [9:25:04 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: 2 hours sleep! [9:26:21 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: and yea [9:26:25 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: met another chick [9:26:30 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: win! [9:29:33 AM] Insane54 (Aaron): BAM! [9:29:44 AM] Insane54 (Aaron): score is 49-47 [9:29:48 AM] Insane54 (Aaron): i get shot [9:29:50 AM] Insane54 (Aaron): this is sniper btw [9:29:58 AM] Insane54 (Aaron): throw down a bubble, triple kill game over :O [9:30:20 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: noob [9:30:36 AM] Insane54 (Aaron): it was pro [9:30:41 AM] Insane54 (Aaron): got my 41 back [9:30:52 AM] Insane54 (Aaron): so they sent out the gunnars today [9:31:03 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: might go to Disneyland today [9:31:04 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: ugh [9:31:07 AM] Dylan Gonzalez: so tired though [9:31:14 AM] Insane54 (Aaron): DISNEYLAND [9:31:15 AM] Insane54 (Aaron): WANT
I began the evening adorning my body with my costume. Some say I was the Big Bad Wolf and others said I was Jacob from the Twilight Series. In the end it didn't really matter, I had a costume. After dressing up, some friends and I went to a frat party with a one dollar cover. I consumed about five mixed drinks before deciding that it wasn't worth my time to hit on anything with boobs. So, I left with my my friends to go to another party where I knew people. Once there, I had about seven beers and played beer pong. I ran the table until the mimes showed up. I lost to my speechless opponents. I then had sex, took a shower, and then smoked weed to round the evening off. It may not have been frightful, but Halloween was goooooood.
Nothing. I was in the hospital on the account of my bad fever which my temperature was up to 106 degrees and had a concussion. At least my parent brought my 360 and did what everyone else did: played fallout 3 lol.
Rustys actually 9, his mother lets him out late though. Sounds like a fun-filled evening for such a young individual.
I wanted to go to Wisconsin to get fireworks, but I had work. So after work I drove around and honked at some trick or treaters on the way home, got some food, then played Borderlands until 3:30 this morning.
you just won i went trick or treating then caused havoc at the grocery store i was a giraffe i got told to get a job like 3 times because iam in grade 11 lol
First I chilled with a few friends at my place and played CoD4 local multiplayer on my big @$$ TV (48 inch, got it for free =D). Then me and two guys went out trick or treating for 2 hours. I was a zombie clown, my blonde friend was a Trojan (we wouldn't stop making jokes, I actually threw a condom at him once, lol), and my other friend was a christmas pageant. His costume was too epic to mock. Anyways, after that we went over to my gf's house for a party and a group of about 10 of us guys and gals ended up passing out and spending the night there. Then this morning we got up and wasted the fireworks we had bought for yesterday. Thats when I found out that even when in military kevlar, it still hurts to have a roman candle shot at you. Anyways, it was a fun time and I'm sad it had to come to an end.