Halloween candy tainted with melamine + toxins.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ak Gumby, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    This guys are usually funny and witty, but this is definately not funny nor witty. This is a serious topic. Tons of candy from China have been tainted with melamine + other toxins! Most of this said candy is on the shelves this week! Look out for this candy and look more into this problem. Melamine has been known to cause kidney failure. If you want to more about this, watch the whole video.


    Seriously worth the watch.​
  2. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    Bump im not about to let this get pushed down by comedys and videos of people drifting. This COULD potentially save people.
  3. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    thats bull they always say that and its never true. dont listen to it. buy it from like sams club or walmart and youre ifne
  4. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    Well of course but still you have to admit it IS on the label "powdered milk products" and dude everything in walmart is made in china......anyway its true to be said that every few years some scandal like this will go out. But in the end I don't trust Chinese products as there made at the lowest production price possible for maximum profit. Besides last time I checked he IS right in terms of the fact that its the same stuff in that near deadly baby formula (and by near I mean that the majority of people effected didn't die there were certainly fatalities from that.) that was pulled from the shelves.
  5. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    So what you are telling everyone is you will take a chance and risk your life over a piece of candy? Watch the video again. Take a look at his facial expressions and hear the emotion in his voice. There is a high chance this is actually happening if the Chinese government is poisoning its own people.
  6. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    Ok you ignoramus. I'm going to laugh if you end up with such candy. Will it be "bull" then? What will you think if your friends end up with kidney failure, and this whole time, you knew what could've been the cause of it? Seriously, the guy that made the video isn't usually like the way he presented himself in this video. Also, the candy can be sold at any store, you can't just state two stores names saying the candy will be safe there. Sam's Club and Wal-Mart both enough potential to have the tainted candy there. Besides, do you think everyone will see your message? No, you didn't make a video about why your against this.
  7. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    ..............................Im speechless as to how careless that entire statment was there are times for chuck norris jokes but this is one of those times where using one makes you look like a complete imbecile.
  8. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    This is not a laughing matter. Chuck Norris is human just like each and every one of us. All he did was make a T.V show and be a commercial advertiser. Your friends, the ones you apparently don't care for, can recieve kidney failure, then potentially die. I don't understand you.
  9. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    yah ok man, you should know the chuck norris was a joke, and seriously, i dont have any friends. everyone on my neighborhood is like 2 years younger except my girlfriend. they are all really immature, and i dont wanna hang out with those douche bags. i doubt that candy is gonna kill people, unless they are allergic or they choke on it. i think more people would die from that than anything. i once almost died choking on a mint from a japanese restaurant called shoguns. choking is probably more plausible, as is allergic reactions, such as peanuts, surfaceing. my little brother can die from peanut or peanut product exposure, so we have to check his candy first. but chemicals are extremely unlikely, and choking or allergies and kidnapping are probably more plausible then chemicals in candy
  10. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    colored=my reply
  11. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    look dumbass, there are no ****ing melamine infected candies, and if there were then they'd immediately be destroyed. how do any of us even know that melamine isn't just a madeup toxin? have you ever heard of it before now? when i see the news reports saying that thousands if not more people were killed or affected by tainted candy i will believe you
  12. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    Melamine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia you ever considered the fact that maybe the "big guys" don't care? You know the people who are controlling the radio waves the TV waves some newspapers among other medias of entertainment simply A: don't care about it as stated before or B:are trying to keep a good diplomatic relationship with china and that exposing this to the general public will cause tension? c: This is intentional in some NWO conspiracy? d: there sheilding some "corporate buddies" who would be sued and pissed if this got out too far into the general knowledge? There are more than enough reasons to be able to say that there not ALWAYS looking out for you if ever. You need to think outside the box once in a while it will do you some good. Its not necessarily one of these but im just trying to point out the fact that the government doesn't always act how one would expect it to. And that there are certainly plenty of variables that could go into an argument like this. Also please refrain from calling me a dumbass it makes you look like just that.
  13. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    if they didnt pull it, then people would die or be seriously injured and sue the companies. then they would lose more money than if they had just taken it off the shelves. you could never be a businessman obviously. and the media doesnt give a damn about the companies reputation. they make stories that hurt companies ad move on. whether the stories are true or not, im sure they would want to save lves
  14. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    Ok ill give ya that one ya got me with the first two points I was merly stating EXAMPLES im sure there all far from the truth. But your last sentence really irked me. Assuming that the media cares about lives is going for a bit of a stretch. Of course lives are important but there main drive is money. Im sure with statistics like "one person dies every 1.whatever seconds and one is born every however amount of time here" they could really care less. Unless it will make a great story, you can't be sued for putting something or not putting something on news channels regarding peoples deaths as long as when you DO put something on its respectful and by respectful I mean politically correct. (or many other subjects for that matter). So in a way there in a great position to do whatever they feel like. And if you ask me they most likely feel a bit green if you catch my drift.
  15. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    You need to get the hell out of this thread "The Spartan III." You obviously didn't watch the video so don't comment in the thread. GTFO.
  16. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    the suing is suing the companies who made the candy but didnt pull it from shelves if it was knowingly tainted
  17. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    Get out, you don't know what you are talking about. Besides the above quote doesn't make any sense to me. "The suing is suing" part was already confusing to begin with.
  18. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    WHAT? are you just skimming my posts? I was agreeing with you on the lawsuit part I was pointing out how theres a good chance the media doesn't care about peoples lives............This is my last post here Ive already contributed to this enough as it is.
  19. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    i am skeptical still, but im gonna inspect my siblings candy to make sure. ill look for milk and egg powder. there isnt any of this crap happening to normal candy bars is there?
  20. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    That's good to hear, and I have no idea if there is or not. I have checked all of the well known candy bars such as Hersheys, Reeses, and other popular candy bars. I think it mostly has to do with Halloween assorted candys, not big brand name candy bars.

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