Wow I'm actually really excited to check this out, being an avid Rocket Racer myself. Seems like you've done a great job here. The thought had crossed my mind once or twice about doing something similar to this, using just a half of Av, but seems you've beat me to the punch, sir. Great work! I'll get back to ya after I give it a go.
Wow, for Avalanche and Rocket Race, it seems really good. I like the barrier to keep people out, It's nicely geo-merged into the ground and is perfectly straight. Gameplay seems good and I am liking the looks of the map. The map is pretty good looking and the name is not what I expected but I do remember the version 1. Nice map dude.
Very good sir. Me being sort of a rocket race fan myself (I miss it very much) I would be sure to download this. Using only half of the map for the game is great too. I wouldn't see the whole map being a great rocket race level because of the U shape, but half is just perfect. I promise you I'll get my Xbox back soon and play it all the time!
i like it becuase the wall looks awsome becuase u put it in the ground. i also liek the game you made up called rocket race. loks fun! 5/5
Thank you for your positive feedback, but for your information, I didn't create Rocket Race. This goes for the rest of you.
OMG NEVER THOUGHT OF TAHT!! lol seriously though Avalanche was never good cuz it's symmetrical and really only one way to get across. But this is a great idea cuz if you cut off half then it isn't. Nice idea DLd.
I really like this map. It shows the creativity of forgers to think of blocking off half of Avalanche and making the map half as small. It makes the rocket race game flow much better then in normal Avalanche and is a much better map. I am a fan of Rocket Race and this is a definite download.4.5/5 The only thing you could add is maybe some objects in the middle field to make it harder for all the Rocket Race contenders. I understand why you might not have wanted to add objects as that might have ruined the fast and smooth flow that makes this map so nice but this is a merely a suggestion. Like I said before, great map, lots of fun and a definite 5/5