That story blew me away. It finally gave me a back-story to my lust for both Miley and Justin to "dissapear" A couple of negative points, though... The warthog can be driveable? Create a custom gametype to go along with it, preventing humans to be able to drive. A sniper and an OS directly beside it? Isn't that a TAD overpowering? I suggest putting the OS in a wide area, where it is easy enough to pick it up but just as hard to actually reach it without others gunning you down. Probably the best Afghan remake out there, great work!
About the sniper and OS thing, the OS spawns at 180 seconds into the game so unless no one picked up the sniper at all during that time, the two will not be by each other. Also the warthog is extremely hard to get out and no one will be able to get it out in an actual game, even if they do there is really no use for it on such a small map. But thank you for the feedback and for your comment on the story (I really liked it to even though i wrote it ) @Bloo Jay: Thanks for the awesome review Bloo Jay. I wish i could have made it more enjoyable though, I didn't really have any problems with the bunkers when ever i tested it, but i knew that some people might, I kept them to stay true with the whole remake thing. About the spawning, I'm sorry about all the spawn area problems, spawns are pretty hard to get right on smaller maps, but my main goal with the spawns was to reduce spawn killing which rareky ever happened in the testing. However I must say even I had a few problems with spawning in the same place a few times over but usually it is different each game. Thank you for the great higher scores in the other areas especially aesthetics, I was trying hard to do good with that and durability as-well but still keep in good gameplay. A 7.0 would have to have been what i was hoping for at-least so 7.6 made my day. Gracious