In my map, Half-Cab, it has been requested that I add a video to lesson peoples' confusion about how the game plays. If someone would be willing to take and capture a video of some in game footage, I would greatly appreciate it. I would suggest that you use a video of a party of at least eight people that all played Half-Cab at least once so that they understand what they are supposed to do.
I suggest you message Agamer93 on the subject. He is a good friend of mine, and I'm sure he would be glad to make the video for you. He has some pretty good software, and good quality capture card. He made a thread on the subject, but noone seemed to notice. Don't post in that thread though! It would be a necro-post.
I would help you, but I don't have a capture card. Yet. Message me after christmas; I might ask for one for xmas, and then I'll help make your film. It's so hard to get a capture device for Vista! I would be obliged to help you, though, mainly because I'm very cinfused myself about your map. Check my comment on it.