Half-Cab v2 Half-Cab fuses two very distinct styles of gameplay to create a unique experience for everyone. The VIP team (defenders) must drive their VIP to the destinations while avoiding the snipers. Only the driver of the VIP can be killed; everyone else is invulnerable. One of the best parts of the game is the elaborate decoy system the VIP team can set up to confuse the snipers. They can run different patterns, switch the VIP's driver when behind cover, have multiple mongooses drive through a destination at the same time, or even have them slam into the sniper box to distract the snipers. These are just a few of the many, many strategies the VIP team can employ. One of the new things about the game is the bubble shields. Each of the bubble shields have power ups above them to make them easier to find. Only the VIP can pick up the bubble shields. There is one at the VIP teams spawn (it is a very good idea to pick this one up at the start of the game) and three others spread throughout the map. When the VIP's driver has been killed and there is no cover near him, he just throws down the bubble shield and his team can safely pick him up. Each of the bubble shields have a 30 second respawn. The non-VIP team (attackers) are in a double box. They must snipe the driver of the VIP and those attempting to pick the VIP up in order to keep the other team from scoring points (Note: VIP destinations are the only way to score points. Each team has two rounds as the VIP team.) Don't worry, the snipers also have a new toy to use against the VIP team... a missile pod. Be careful that you're actually hitting the VIP's mongoose with it, because you only have eight shots. Don't waste them. The Gametype Even teams: 8+ players recommended 4 rounds. 3 minute time limit. Score to win: 50 Goal Arrival Points 1, everything else 0 Destination order: random respawn time: 5 seconds VIP: - invulnerable - immune to head shots - 0% damage - primary weapon magnum - weapon pickup enabled (for bubble shields only) - 50% speed - vehicle use: passenger only - good camo - way point visible to allies VIP Proximity: - 10 meters - 100% damage resistance - normal shields - not immune to head shots - nothing else changed VIP Team: - invulnerable - immune to headshots - 0% damage - primary weapon magnum - weapon pickup disabled - 200% speed - vehicle use: full Sniper Team: - 100% damage - primary weapon sniper rifle - weapon pickup enabled (for the missile pod) - infinite ammo The Map An overview of the map. This is the sniper base from above. This is another view of the sniper base. The sniper team is inside the double box. The barriers keep the sniper team from firing directly down at the VIP team. The VIP team spawn. Note the bubble shield. Since it has a 30 second respawn, the VIP can go back and pick it up several times throughout the game, though doing so takes valuable time to do. These are the three other bubble shields spread throughout the map. They are directly beneath the power ups. They are strategically placed in the areas of least cover that the VIP's driver is killed the most often. The VIP team just spawned. In the v2, the back wall was cleaned and the mongooses reorganized to make it easier to move when they spawn. Leaving their spawn. Note that the VIP already picked up the bubble shield. It is a good idea for each mongoose to go in different directions then regroup when they reach the destination and split up again. The sniper team just spawned. In the v2, the sniper base was completely rebuilt, as a double box, to give the snipers a better view of the map so they don't have to crouch. This is the missile pod. It only has eight shots and doesn't respawn, so use it well. A good strategy for the VIP team is to have several mongooses go through the destination at the same time. Another, really effective strategy, the "Drive N' Dive," is to have to VIP get off of his mongoose when it passes through a destination. The snipers will follow that mongoose and become confused when the driver doesn't die, while another mongoose goes and picks up the VIP. This, However, is also an incredible risky maneuver. If the snipers realize the trick, or happen to see the mongoose stop to pick up the VIP, it is the same as if they had killed the driver in the first place. It takes two body shots or one head shot to kill the driver of the VIP. Remember that anyone near the VIP can be killed too, which can be used to make the snipers think that they killed the real driver, but they didn't. They killed the driver. This is when the snipers must hold the VIP team down to keep them from reaching any more destinations. With many of his teammates killed, the VIP struggles to reach a bubble shield. Note that the red guy driving a mongoose can be killed at that distance from the VIP. This is good use of the bubble shield. It is a good strategy to have several mongooses go into the bubble shield at the same time so the snipers don't know which one picked up the VIP. The VIP is also a great meat-shield. This sometimes keeps the snipers from realizing that the VIP is on that mongoose. At the end of the round, the teams switch places. Now the team that was sniping gets a chance to score points... Do you remember that missile pod? This is what it does. This mongoose is not carrying the VIP. This too. This mongoose is carrying the VIP. It usually takes two hits to kill the driver as they usually aren't direct hits on the mongoose. The snipers are holding the VIP team down by killing drivers as soon as they get near the VIP. Special thanks to Timeless161 and DeathToll77 for helping make this map what it is. LinksMap: Half-Cab v2 Gametype: Taxi Me
Looks like a bunch of fun. Its a little hard to tell what the interior of the sniper base is like. Can they escape, or is that an honor rule? The forging looks clean and nice, especially the asthetics of the sniper base. Great job with this map. It looks like alot of fun. I'm getting tired of minigames based on one another, but I have to say this is very original. The game seems to lack a bit, like there should be some other thing... I give it a 4.5/5 because you could improve by adding boxes in the ground or something. Good job!
The snipers are inside of the red double box hanging from the arrowhead thing. It is physically impossible for the snipers to escape from the base. Believe me, I have been going back and forth between having geomerged boxes in the ground, teleporters back to the VIP spawn, deployable covers, many things. The boxes are probably the best possibility, but I and those that helped test feel that having boxes makes the game a little too easy for the VIP team.
I saw the original Half-Cab, but never downloaded it. (Not that it wasn't good or anything, my hard drive was just full.) Now that I've cleared out some of my older maps I'll give it a try. From looks alone, it looks fun. It's also pretty original. I like how it involves teamwork. If you're driving the VIP, you can't just go off on your own driving to all the destinations, or it will be obvious that you're the one with the VIP on your back. I'd give it a 4.5/5, but that could change seeing as how I haven't played it yet.
Sotha glad to see its out... a lot of post seem to think he simply through down VIP points and floated a box and some bubble sheilds and called it good... I can assure u this map and every peice of it has been placed where it is for a specific reason... the VIP pts... are far enough from cover to make it difficult but close enough to a bubble shield so there is valid opprutunity... the map tho it may be simple is actually very intricate in actuality... the first round u play will be fail... but as u come up with your own stratagies... and become the VIP... its like omgwtfbbqkfcmcdonaldsburgerking in the worlds of the noodle king himself lol... which comes to my next pt... sotha i think u should take some of the random pics out... orginize the pics... and add some more stratagy tips ... for some of us less inteligentes like ME... lol jk but stratagies is where this map is win add some more like the drive n dive lol i made that name up right now... or nething else ppl have tried...
I don't know how many versions I play tested with you but I'm glad to see this was finalized. I even added it to the 3rd round of the mini game tournament in place of operative. Definately a fun game for anyone who is questioning the download. The only possible thing I could think of adding would be more structural cover but no matter what the game is still great.
Damn, you caught me at the wrong time with this! I won't be able to play this until next weekend because of school work... Whatever, I'll still download this. I'm glad to see you've updated the map, and I must say, I really like the sniper base now. DLing now...
Boyle Thanks for the advice on my post. I thought something was wrong with it. I took most of the random pictures out and included advice under most all of the ones that remained. I will include the strategy now officially named "Drive N' Dive" by Boyle. Morphine Yeah, sorry about that. I will probably add structural cover for the VIP team in the v3. And if I do, you can look forward to testing a thousand different versions of the map. Corruption I took a look at Olympium (not Olympus) already, and I posted there. Since you advertised in my thread, I will advertise in yours. The only thing is that I already gave you suggestions for your map so I would appreciate it if you did not spam here. im a berk There are four rounds. Only the VIP team can get points, so each team gets two tries as the VIP team to get as many points as they can.
Triple post is a no-no Sotha Sil. Anyway, nice job on V2, looks like a lot of minor changes to the already awesome mini-game. Glad I was on of the few who were important enough to receive that message!
It's not a triple post if you use hybrid. I am replying to each of those posts, but for you, I will unite them into one. It's now done.
this looks like quite a fun map im definatly going to dl this, but it does seem as if it is rather easy for the vip's team to win but then again i could be wrong so ill have to dl this and test it out, but good job anyways it looks good 4/5
This map, it deserves a hac mac. Maybe two. This is a great map and is amazingly fun to play. one of the best things about this map is the playabaility. You can play this map hundreds of times and its always different. Maybe one time you GET that location, maybe the next you die and don't get it. It depends on who is reloaing and who isn't. The map needs a FEATURE NAO! 10/10 for pure awsomeness. 11/10 for the hac mac.
Hey buddy! This game is great, it takes teamwork, plus it is one of those rare games where you can actually out smart your opponent. This is perfectly balanced (unless there are uneven teams or one team is full of sniping gods) This is a must download, and I am in the pics! YAY
Um... Uh... Well... Thanks Zackj, I didn't know that the hac mac was an award. Maybe it should be. They could replace "member" with hac mac when this gets Feature NAO!
Very fun indeed. I played this during the 25th TGIF and it was really exciting. The snipers really need to be skilled because it is somewhat hard to kill the drivers since they are moving very fast. The bubble shield and the bubble shield indicators were a great addition to the map for a more balanced gameplay. Nice work on sharing us some strategies. Great job.
Gee thanks I BlacKOu7 I, I try to do what I can. Actually, this is the first time that no one was confused by my post, so I must be doing something right. I would have added structural cover (ie geomerged boxes or something of the sort), but I wasn't able to think of anything to give the snipers to balance the map out. Suggestions for that would be nice.
IVe played this only once before and i would have to say that this is loads of fun and i loved playign it. good job timeless and deathtoll. using the VIP as a meatshiled is very fun, (and it pisses off the snipers lolz)
This looks great. So let me make sure I got this right, the VIP team goes around and gets to the points, the snipers try to stop them. Do you have to go through the points in a specific order or is it just try to go through as many as you can?
Yep, v2 is out, and I have alot fun playing this game with people who are not on FH. They do not understand it, or they are saying all the time how cool it is. Since I played it with like 20 people already, and they all said it was great(except the stupid Geran kids). I love to play it, so 5/5. Download guys! You will not see a map as fun and great as this one very often. Feechure NAO!
NuclearNinja142 The destination order is random. Thank you for asking, I forgot to put it in my post. It is now. Spartan7371 Thanks for the Feechure NAO! It would be cool if all those people you played with made FH accounts and posted on this map. lol