Hey all! I'm Kaizen. Some of you might know me. I've been playing customs with you guys for a couple of weeks now. I found out about FH from Wakko. He's been my friend for about a year. I really enjoy playing with you all! Since I don't have much to say I will just type a brief description of my gaming history. Ever since I was around 7 or 8 I really loved the console games. Then around the time when I was 10 I started playing Runescape. It was one of the free, fun rpg games on the internet to play at the time. I got really high leveled in that. I got in a couple clans. But what really sucks about Runescape is if you die you lose all your stuff. So guess what happened...yep. I lost about 10,000,000 gold worth of stuff. It takes about an hour to make 100,000 gold. I was so pissed so I stopped playing. During the middle of playing Runescape I got Halo PC. I got into a community/clan called the Red Phoenix Clan with Wakko. Got accepted into that. Had a lot of friends in it. I was very active and was willing to help the clan so I got Rcon (not recon) to our servers. If you have rcon, you can control the servers, ban people, unban people, change the map cycles, blah blah blah. All was going smoothly until sometihng happened and caused a lot of drama. Some people quit and joined one of our sister clans. Black Dragons. I stayed in RP for awhile then I quit to join BD. I was in BD for about a month but I didn't have a lot of friends in it. I talked to the leader of RP and he let me come back with the rank and position I was in before. Everything is still running smoothly. So about the time I quit Runescape, my friend from RP asked me to download the WoW trial. I did and I loved it. I bought WoW a week later and installed it. Runescape's graphics are so inferior to WoWs. I leveled to 50 and bought the BC Expansion. Then I leveled to 70. I got in a good guild. I raided and I still am. We recently downed a 25 man boss. While playing WoW, I bought Halo 3. Beat the campaign and started play live. Did some matchmaking for a couple of weeks. Was fun. Then, while playing some team slayer with Wakko, he told me he was doing some custom games that night. I asked him if I could come. He said if there is a spot open he would invite me. My wish came true and I was playing customs later that night. It was loads of fun. I never knew that you could do so much with Forge. Currently I play customs daily with AZN and others. My GT is my user name on this site. xxKaizenxx. I'm glad that Wakko introduced me to this community. Beware, I will pwn your face on The Estate ;D. Also, my name, it means continuous improvement. Meaning if you give me a new game, within days I will be pwning in it. It's a beautiful gift. Elites ftw...but I still want my damn commando shoulders.
kaizen ive played quite a few games with you hope you like forge hub and next time we face we are gonna have to have a halo grudge match lol
Hey there Kaizen! I don't believe I've had the pleasure of playing with you, but I hope to see you around the boards and on LIVE sometime!