Hackmans HillV1 Created by XarabianNinjaX [br] Supported Gametypes: Custom KoTH: Hackmans Curse [br] Map Description Teams of two compete to get inside the hill. With Mongooses bouncing about and Spools being launched at about 100mph that can be a little difficult. Also with added fusion coils to make it that much more exiting. [br] Everyone starts with an SMG, no weapons on map and no inf ammo. you do 50% damage outside of the hill, 100% inside. Because staying alive is essential everyone gets a 25% life leech in order to survive that spool thats 20feet in front of you and about to bust your face in. For every second your outside the hill you lose a point. Whenever you kill someone, you gain a point(only because its harder to kill with 50% damage). and of coarse if you are in the hill, you get points [br] _________________________________________________ [br] This is the aerial view of the arena/hill [br] This is the hill...of mayhem A.K.A Hackmans Hill [br] These are the start/spawn points of teams 1,3,and 5 [br] These are the start/spawn points of teams 2,4,and 6 [br] These are the start/spawn points of teams 7 and 8 [br] This is just a glimpse of gameplay [br] One of my friends got crushed by a spool...literally [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Thats pretty much Hackmans Hill for ya. I tested it with a few of my friends, and they all seemed to enjoy it. If you could also test it out that'd be great. Also, let me know if there is anything you think could be added or fixed. Thanks! [br] Download HackmansHill V1 Download Hackmans Curse [br]
alright i think that this is original but might get a tad boring after a while but thats why you make improvements. also it hink you could just wait there and when someone drops down just assassinate them, i see you ahve countered this by losing points if your not in the ring but i stillt hink someone would wait there. on that point i think that most of the fighting would revlove round beat downs and i no you can't help that but i tihnk this would also make the game a little to repetative
well you only get 2-3minutes to score as much as you can. 5 rounds. and because you mention repetitiveness, i might make some "fun" surprises that spawn later in the game
Wow, would you imagine that. hey arabian ninja! im one of scooterrun1's friends. i was there when you tested the map. The gameplay is soo much fun!!! haha i loved it when someone was cheering becaused they killed me, but as they were cheering he got crushed by a spool. Great game!!! i loved it. I thinks its funny how i just ran into you. well anyways, i was reading last weeks humpday challenge and i thought id come see what forgehub is all about.
o ya, i remember you. youre the one made famouse because of my last picture! haha when i saw tha i couldnt resist. well thanks for the review, and welcome to FH, its a great community.
omg my is that really me? that body was so deformed i couldnt even notice...Sweet. well anyways, i still love this game, the testing was a success(i hope) and i look forward to your future maps that include going to the death zone in order to win!