
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Minister Muffin, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. Minister Muffin

    Minister Muffin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Such locations on the ark contained the last of a certain species to help reseed the galaxy.
    2-8 players


    Hey, Forgehub! If you've seen my signature recently, you would know I have a map I'm releasing today known as Habitat. I started building this with a hope that it would be a sick badass infection map with a theme leaning towards Reflection, but this is what it became. I don't quite know why, but I love zombie bodies sprawled across the floor everywhere you step on a very aesthetic map such as Reflection. It is best suited for 2v2 and 3v3, but it can play 4v4, despite the fact that it always seems a little too crowded for that. I am proud for what it came to be.


    This is suited for pretty much any classic gametype except for invasion and race, though there are gametypes I'd recommend and ones I'd not recommend. Gametypes such as Headhunter, Slayer, and CTF are great to play on, but Oddball and Juggernaut aren't the best gametypes for this map.

    Weapon List

    2 x Needle Rifle with 2 spare clips - 30 seconds
    2 x DmR with 2 spare clips - 30 seconds
    2 x Needler with 1 spare clip - 35 seconds
    2 x sniper rifle with 1 spare clip - 90 seconds
    2 x Plasma repeater - 40 seconds
    Energy sword - 120 seconds

    2 x frag grenade - 15 seconds
    2 x plasma grenade - 15 seconds

    4 x health pack - 20 seconds








    Download Habitat

    Constructive Criticism is always appreciated, but please, no hatin'. :)
    #1 Minister Muffin, Jul 22, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2011
  2. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Looks great, I played it and it was epic. However, you might wanna add more cover. P.S.- I like how its not mechanical like most of the maps.
  3. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Either the map is extremely small, or these screenshots don't represent the map well. You would benefit from taking more pics, or add an overview of the map.

    Anyways, from the pics I can tell this looks like a fresh map with some nice aesthetics. Have you had the chance to play any games on this?

    I think you also have too many power weapons on the map. A sword and TWO shotguns? You really should put only one. I'll have to check this one out.

    Also, the name for this map is somewhat...boring. If I were you I'd take my time to come up with a original and creative map name next time. That's just my opinion though. Great work.

    Q'd for download.
  4. torched frog

    torched frog Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Agree i dont like photoshop pics, to me it says, my maps not cool so lets change peoples perception, but your map looks nice and sharp so effects not needed
  5. Minister Muffin

    Minister Muffin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I've been told there isn't as much cover as there should be, which I agree with. Like I said, this map was originally supposed to be an infection based map. I wanted to get a more natural feel to this map since most maps are so geometric and bland, but that's my opinion.

    Thanks for your feedback. Yes, I have gotten some games on it, and it is more of a close quarters map, and many people do feel there are too many power weapons. I was thinking of taking the shotguns away and replacing them with plasma repeaters. I may do that in my next update. Thanks!

    Lately I've seen people editing their photos, so i thought I would. I probably won't do that in my next map.

    I will add an overview shot as soon as I can, but I'm dealing with family stuff so it may be a day or two.

    Edited by merge:

    Okay, I added an overview shot of the entire map and switched the shotguns out with plasma repeaters. Thanks for all the feedback!
    #5 Minister Muffin, Jul 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2011

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