h5 feedback, things that could be improved

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by A Haunted Army, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. A Haunted Army

    A Haunted Army Your Local Pessimist
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    i think h5 is a good solid game, more enjoyable to play then h4 ever was for me, but, there are somethings that i'm finding annoying and could be a nuisance once forge drops.

    • aim assist is too high, personally i like to play on a high sensitivity, usually 8 or 10, what i've been finding in h5 is that aim assist is incredibly obstructive to aiming when using a high sensitivity, it feels like i'm going from 10 sensitivity down to 1, this is a problem because when playing on a high sensitivity you make a lot more micro adjustments on the analog sticks instead of pushing all the way to the sides so when aiming, a high aim assist makes it so these micro movements cause almost no change in the reticules position making when trying to follow a moving opponent. the idea i had to accommodate this is make aim assists values a percentage based on your chosen sensitivity.
    • unable to chat in the pre-game lobby. this one is obvious because it means you can't communicate what playlist to play or maps and settings to choose when arranging a game and having to invite everyone to party chat is a pain in the ass, especially when a lot of people are coming and going throughout a custom lobby.
    • i miss the active roster from reach, please bring it back. it was great for seeing what people were up to, you could check for custom lobbies and spaces to join in. hopping from one custom lobby to another through the active roster was one of the main methods of filling up a lobby to play on community created content. if you didn't want random people joining you could always set the lobbies to private. the vertical scrolling indivually was also easier to navigate then having every named clumped together sideways.
    • lack of a public privacy option for lobbies, being able to join any random lobby out of recents was one of the methods of getting involved in different communities and meeting new people instead of dealing with people raging in matchmaking.
    • no option to choose the size of your lobby, this one a long with lack of chat is going to be a big issue, when setting up a custom lobby to test maps and sending out invites, invites usually being sent to anyone on the game on a persons friends list, you have no way of controlling how many people can join so a lobby could be over the amount of people needed, and, not being able to communicate with people to explain what is happening you're just going to be booting people randomly with no reason given. this isn't good for relations in the community.
    • i have not noticed any indication for connection quality to servers, it would be nice to know when my connection is crapping out on me instead of having to guess.
    • fill in the main menu letters, having them only outlined with no filling i've been finding a pain to read.
  2. FrostPhoenix0

    FrostPhoenix0 Mythic
    Senior Member

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    Also, enable multiple of the same REQ card to be sold at once. I have no need for 30 mongooses...

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