Remake H3 PITfall

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by CK CUJO, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    Thank you for tuning in.

    Direct Download Link

    H3 PITfall (most current version in fileshare) by: o CUJØ o

    Slayer, Oddball, KOTH, and CTF supported.

    (*updated Fri, Dec. 28th, 2012) - Added some soft kill zones, added the ledges by OS ramps, narrowed the ramps above OS that leads to Sword, added ledge to walk around top sword, added gaps between both sets of barriers, fixed some minor z-fighting.)

    I submitted this map to the Forgotten Treasures contest.

    I knew THE PIT from halo 3 was going to be one of the most difficult maps to remake because of how exact the distances, lengths, platform heights, walkways and bases had to be.
    Not only are the dimensions of the map important, but there is also another. One of the things most people fail to realize is that the light, sunlight, shadows, everything is important for navigation, especially when a map is being remade. The Pit is an extreme example of this.
    The very, very first thing I did was make sure I angled the map so the sun was coming in from the proper direction.


    To make sure I recreated The Pit faithfully, I loaded up forge in Halo 3 and took the time to measure every possible dimension in the level. By using KOTH markers, I was able to adjust their sizes to make sure that every platform I made was the correct height, every walkway and ramp the correct length and distance from each other, and made sure that top to bottom, left to right were perfect. It took me days.


    To make sure Pitfall felt like The Pit, I made the decision from the beginning to include the glass ‘ceiling’. The shadows draping across the map allows you to instantly recognize where you are and what direction you’re facing. It was tough not using those extra wall pieces but it was well worth it.


    I made sure to add several of the tricky jumps in the map. I only ever used a couple of them, but it seems a lot of people get super excited about that sort of thing. The non-game-breaking jumps made it in.
    The most difficult part about making this map was the stupid light rendering glitch. After I had the map 90% completed, the level loaded up with no light. I was furious/ frustrated/ depressed, and after tooling around with the map, I finally managed to get all of the pieces in while retaining the light rendering. Thank God.

    I don’t have a video but am working on it. I’ve tested this map with 4v4 CTF and it’s glorious. Please DL and let me know what you think!

    To find my map, go to your file-browser from Halo 4’s menu. Press start, go down to the bottom and then all the way to the right. Select maps, then search by gamertag.
    My new gamertag is - o CUJ0 o - that’s a lowercase ‘o’, space, CUJØ (zero), space, lowercase ‘o’
    #1 CK CUJO, Feb 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2013
  2. Endezeichen

    Endezeichen Promethean

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    looks even better than the one remake i had already found. will download for sure. kudos to you good sir
  3. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    Thank you very much. I believe it's as accurate as one could get. It was fun to make.
  4. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    great remake, alot of effort went into but but personally i am SICK AND TIRED of remakes of The pit, Guardian and worst of all... lockout. About 10 people have made remakes of each of those maps in halo 4 and I don't understand it. If so many people have remade this map to a decent level, whats the point in creating the same map? seems a waste of time to me. Thats why I chose to remake countdown because so few people remade it and the people that did, did a terrible job to put it bluntly. Those 3 maps are great ^ but i dont understand why so many people feel the need to remake them, 1 or 2 remakes is plenty?...

    PERSEVERENCE Promethean

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    Why remake so many maps at all. Where is the original thought and creativity to create a new an interesting battle ground. All I see are old ideas redone over and over. People only seem to notice remakes. The heart of forging is not in recreating the old, but creating the new. We need be willing to risk and make new and interesting maps. Personally all these remakes and the attention they get just frustrates me. I ask you, is it harder to create something totally new or to measure the old and just copy it? Are we forgers or just Kinkos?
  6. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    thats a good point, but the reason we make remakes is because of the nostalgia that comes with it. it is only natural that since all the maps in halo 4 are terrible, some reach and halo 3 remakes will be recreated. However I do agree there is a lack of creativity, I myself do remakes and original work, its all in the fun... but i dont see the point if somebody else has already recreated the same map
  7. AssaultCommand

    AssaultCommand Forerunner
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    This is why I think there should be a remake subforum separate from the normal forge stuff, this way people who want remakes are happy, and people who want original stuff are too.

    OT: Nice remake btw, I love the way you paid attention to the texturing of the walls and things like that. Or at least it seems like you did those things on purpose.
    #7 AssaultCommand, Feb 5, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2013
  8. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    The reason why the same remakes show up time and time again is because a lot of people liked to play the original. Those maps show up multiple times because they had all the criteria that made maps competitive and fun to play on; Weapon balance, spawn locations, movement, map geometry, etc.

    Another reason is that it is much easier to remake a proven concept than it is to come up with a new one. I'm not assuming anything of CK CUJO but just as a general statement, these kind of remakes are a safe bet. They have a certain locked in audience who will play them and enjoy them and the only thought that goes into development is trying to match what you create to the original source. That takes a lot of the pressure off as far as early forge projects go.

    Bottom line guys, if you don't like remakes, and the map creator will usually make it pretty clear if their map is a remake, than don't go into threads just to complain that the map is a remake.

    That being said, CK, you probably didn't need to include the "Remake" prefix in the map forum, it's a little redundant after the normal title "H3 Pitfall"
    #8 PacMonster1, Feb 5, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2013
  9. AssaultCommand

    AssaultCommand Forerunner
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    The remake prefix should be included if it's a remake regardless of the map's name as it's easier to spot.
  10. Yama

    Yama Forerunner

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    The reason you see so many remakes of the same map are because various people aren't fully satisfied with said attempts and strive to do a better job. There is nothing wrong with this as the community usually ends up with more accurate remakes in the end, with one or two being the closest to the source. There are so many intricacies to some of these older maps, everyone has a different vision on how they could and should work.

    On topic, this is a beautiful remake of The Pit and you have my download. I'll run through it tonight.
  11. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    It's not like I just sat down and made this map this month... you can check the time stamp... I started making this map the month the game came out and uploaded it to Forgehub here months ago. And yes, I made it because of nostalgia and I wanted to experience some games on a map I loved.

    If I wanted to play The Pit and had the option to download one that was horribly laggy but looked good and accurate, or download a map that played superbly but looked nothing like the original, or..... make my own and have the best of both worlds, it's my right. Please download if you like clean remakes, and don't if not. No sense wasting your time in my thread if you could be out there downloading other (non remake) maps.

    Thanks to everyone who's downloaded and have posted constructive advice. I appreciate it.
    #11 CK CUJO, Feb 5, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2013
  12. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    I added a direct download link to add the map to your download queue. Let me know if it doesn't work!
  13. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    Please check out my video walkthrough now that I have a way to capture video! I'll be pumping out a lot of these new posts showcasing my maps. Thank you!
  14. CrimsonVolver

    CrimsonVolver Promethean

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    nice remake. I downloaded it. Can't wait to put it up during a cutom lobby night. CV

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