Heres one of the very best brought all the way to forgehub, i 100% guarantee that you will enjoy every single second of this video, well, except the credits lol, if you are unhappy in anyway, please tell me and i can see that we look for a solution And now, the question. Is it really the best?[/URL]
why didn't you embed the video? o well i am watching it anyway EDIT:thanks asper wow that was a sick montage i want to know what software he used to edit?
Its sweet seeing a killionare and all those, but seeing them legitly in a Game battles game just makes it that much better
Well, to be honest, *clears thought* "YES IT WAS!!!" so many sniper multi kills i thought it was a actual warzone or something crazy like that
That was amazing. GODLY I love the bouncing headshots and how they were actually planned and skill, and great legit killionaire. loved it!!
Ah you beat me, i was going to post this video to I downloaded this on halo3forums full quality ftw.
I've watched a lot of montages and honestly didn't like this one, too over-edited for my taste, let the clip play out at least. My favorite is Killzone's montage that was featured on last week. That thing was sick. EDIT: Gay music didn't help this one either
I would have to agree, the film editing was much too extreme, half the time the screen was shaking like you were having a seizure and the other half it was to dark to see anything at all. Sure, there were some nice kills, but as far as the video itself, it kinda sucked.
I found the first half to be a little disappointing, but it picked up nicely from there. Editing was good but distracted a little and perhaps covered up some less than stellar kills as filler. Not to suggest those kills were bad or unskilled, just not top class montage material. Walshy Final still the best in my mind. Nothing beats two perfectly lead falling doubleshots for the triple kill. If you haven't seen it, it's on my profile media page here, at 4:45 in the vid. The whole thing is awesome though, if you pay attention to the kills and the fact that it's all pro's.
I saw 'One' which I think was the first example of that technique extensively in a montage - is that what you're referring to?
That is by far the best montage of halo 3 I have ever seen. Great edits, amazing kills, and two great players. 5 stars out of 5.
That is a great montage. It's cool how fast these guys get multikills and awesome plays on playlists (I.E. Onslaught clips). And a killionaire coupled with an invincible is a pretty awesome clip (lol I just butchered that one).