Here are 3 unfinished maps that I am saying goodbye to. I completely love how original they all are, but I just don't have the will or time to finish all of them. That's where you come in, (Insert name here)! Anyway, I basically just want someone who knows what they're doing to finish these. I do not care if the maps are all metal, I just want them to get finished, look nice, and play nicer. If you want to check one out in forge or take one off my hands, just reply here in a comment, and we can figure something out. I'm really counting on forgers who have the desire, creativity, and skills to make these maps what I know they can become! They are completely open to interpretation! FIRST MAP - Team Slayer/KoTH SECOND MAP - 2v2 THIRD MAP - Team Slayer/Objective
I could prob make videos, I just don't wanna spend my whole day doing that right now. And there aren't really layouts set in stone, i tend to make one section and build off that. the layout is all up to you
They aren't just cause I didn't want multiple people forging on the same map.. but I could show you them tomorrow or asap
Just make like a minute long run through clip of each. No need for details about the map because if someone is interested I am sure they will ask.
I made a video in Upload Studios of several maps I don't want anymore. At least 9 maps all with fly throughs and such.
These actually look really cool. The first map seems a bit more suited for 1v1 or 2v2 than 4v4, but I like the use of metal and door frames on some of the archways. The second looks very nice, but was a but less finished that I had thought it was just from the picture. The center atrium and view to the shotgun spawn along with the shotgun area itself is very nice. The last one reminds me of construct and the bottom glass tunnel looks great. But it looks the least finished, and I don't know if doing the split-level thing made it hard to keep going. I'm wondering what you had in mind for each of these as far as their design. Also, beside not having the will or time, I'm wondering what troubled you or what you ran into in the first place that made you stop working on these because they have some serious potential.
Basically, I've started a new job where i'm constantly working, and have MUCH less free time. So I haven't been on Halo much lately, not to mention I always start random projects and never end up finishing them. Its not because I can't think of designs or anything, Its just that as Im building, I get this idea, load up a canvas, and start a new map. haha So basically I have one map that I'm trying to finish soon, and don't feel like taking on the huge task to finish all these projects. I mean, however you see the map in your mind would be a good starting point. If you'd want to adopt one, don't worry about moving stuff, shrinking the map, deleting stuff, or whatever. You know?