So what ever happened to "OMFGBBQWTFLOLZ H1N1 R KILL US ALL" did it just go bye-bye like TDF? I dont see any new about it. Or did everyone just stop giving a **** or something?
its not flu season they expect it to make a come back this flu season and its still an issue some places
To be honest. Most of the people just stopped giving a ****. Once the reports stopped coming in of new cases, they said, oh well, screw it. No more talky, I seriously only hear about it when I hear about jokes, or something stupid that I really don't want to hear, but do anyways. The H1N1 was just something that people didn't know how it was going to react, so they paniced, now they know, why panic?
It's the same reason why people freaked about the Y2K bug and Conficker. Scary event + Lack of public awareness on the topic + idiot media blowing things out of proportion = chaos.