Are you ready to enter the steel structure known as......Gym Class? Why would you make a map named after a hated school activity? The map was inspired by the code name for The Pit, obviously it was called Gym Class. My Gym Class is my first map to include major interlocking. It is suited for medium range ground combat and short range combat from above. Objective game types worked best on GC. Each side has three ways to make it to the top of the elevated platform. The shotgun steps have two grav lifts, another ste of grav lifts are on each side of the map, and a set of tri staircases offer a backway. On top you will find a Gravity Hammer, really helpful for KotH games. Each side also somes with an elevated sniper platform. Gym Class Main View Defender Side Attacker Side Top Platform Remember that Hammer? Told you it worked for Hill games. Weapons 2x Battle Rifles 2x Assualt Rifles 2x Carbines 2x Brute Shots 2x Sniper Rifles 1x Shotgun 1x Gravity Hammer 2x SMGs 4x Plasma Grenades 4x Frag Grenades 2x Bubble Shields 2x Regenerators Gametypes That Work On This Map Slayer Oddball Capture The Flag King of the Hill Assualt * This map was not made on my main account, DecepticonCobra, but on my Dad's account metalrebel501.* Download Gym Class Here : Halo 3 File Details
It looks ok, but a little basic, some more pictures on the inside would be helpfull and i don really like the name tbh. And a tip would be to turn over the bridges because they look alot better the other way up, will dl and rate when you improve it.
"Yeah its pretty basic but it looks good overall. Interlocking is nice. I agree with TFx that upside down bridges look better for ground usage. But whatever that's a small detail. I still like foundry maps and this one is decent. 3.5/5" says former Green Bay QB Brett Favre