Created by SmartAlec13 [SIZE=+4]Supported Gametypes:[/SIZE] [SIZE=+2]Gutter supports Slayer. It supports other gametypes, but the best type of game to play is Slayer. Its a smaller map, so its made for smaller Slayer games.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+4]Map Description[/SIZE] [SIZE=+2]Gutter is a smaller, Symmetrical map made in the Crypt. It makes use of the dark, damp affects of Gloomy. It may seem annoying to some, but it really does give you the feel of playing in a "Gutter". It has high walls so players cant escape, and serve as the Gutter. There are 2 bases, one on each end. The map is Small, so its best to play smaller games. Anything bigger than 4v4 gets too hectic in this smaller map. When I was originally designing the map, I was planning to create a remake of Call of Duty 4's map, Wetwork. But after sizing it up, and creating the map, it really isnt anything like it at all. The weapon list is mostly short-mid range weapons. Weapons 2 Brs:20A 2 Ars:20A 2 SMGTA:45 2 Needlers:90A 2 Brute shots:30DT:1clips 2 carbine’s:45A 2 mauler’s:90A 1 gravity hammer:150 Equipment 8 plasma grenadesA 2 Bubble shields:90DT Here are some pictures. No action screenshots or videos yet, but they are soon to come! This is an Overveiw of the map Above the Blue Side Above the Red Side A view of the middle. Remember, its symmetrical! The high walls of the Gutter... Hope you like the map! Hit the link to Download below [/SIZE] GUTTER
Another Good Map, very small, fun to Play Vampiristic (one of Alecs gametypes, also gt Bungie Favs) on this, and slayer, King of the hill, not to much. It is symetrical, it cannot be escapen but some of the Geomerging is a little sloppy, so, 6/10, i subtracted on points (-1) because i just dont like playing on it, but thats me.
The lights are too bright and distracting. It may just be the effects but it might be because of the placement. The layout looks like your run of the mill two base, symmetrical slayer map type of layout. I can't really comment on the gameplay at this time but I will do a forge through within an hour or two and get back to you. So far, I like what I see.
Thanks. And like I said, its mainly Slayer. I like objective, but ehhh. Slayer is the best in my opinion. and sloppy Geomerdging? where?
I like the high sides, because of the narrowness they create, and the groupings of the red/blue columns is a look I like. The middle looks like it would be fun to play in (im a sucker for the gravity hammer). I also like the fact that there is enough cover (lack of cover seems to be a problem plaguing quite a few maps these days). I like it, you got my download.
thanks And yeah. Most people take advantage of the higher parts of the map, thats where most of the fighting goes on.
I'm not so sure about the geomerging, but parts of the side-walls could use some TLC: The double walls are a little messy, with some sticking out, others not parallel to the direction of the wall, or rotated. However, the real difficulty lies in that the walls were the first thing that I noticed in the map: If the first thing one notices in the map is a flaw, it could lead to a lower grade right off the bat. To help rectify the problem, you could use vertical double blocks to help keep the wall segments alined and straight. If that doesn't work out, you could use huge blocks instead of double walls: They're narrower than the double blocks, but still have a more substantial base. This base would help make it easier to craft a more uniform wall. -=Moxus=-
The walls were strait when I was placing them. I did use blocks as guideline things. But its that darn thing where walls get titled sometimes. The same thing happened a bit on my map, Corridors.
Looks very nice and solid, I'm downloading it right now. Not too many good symmetrical maps these days, good job!
Good spam keep trying. I like the map itself, but I just don't like the fx on team slayer maps. By the way, to help straighten those walls, use either save/quit method or ghost merging. It's tiresome and annoying, but it yeilds good results.
I would, but ehh. I think the walls are fine. Im not willing to go through so much work just to change a tiny wall