It reminds me of Fable for some reason. The pistols look like they're from Fable. Not much into anime but I like it. I agree with you... the lighting is good.
Are you a ****? You only have guys in your signatures. Great job, the lighting provided a nice effect.
rofl. I also like the lighting but that is about it mainly because I don't like anime but maybe make the render blend a bit better and make the whole sig less like pale colored.
Diz I will let you in on a little secret: Spoiler You don't need effects for a good signature. At least, not C4D's and brushes and ****. I know maybe you think so, but you don't... and I don't see a problem with the colors here at all... IMO, great sig Reaper... somewhat plain and bland at the corners where it is just dark, but I still like it. Good job. XD
wow good going pigglez. Now Diz or osmeone is going to come in here and start arguing about effects. I love how that happens from dumb stuff like one wittle tiny post.
It's what they do and what they've been doing for quite some time. I actually learn some stuff from their arguments. Anyway, I like the sig, but that's not much coming from me.
It won't happen. ZstikePigglez is too loved =3 Thanks Z, corners are dark to help with light Paleness is part of the sig, I wanted it palish. See stock =P I've made sigs with girls silly frag woman (not in a bad way, but in a sig reference way =D) See stock, not great colors to begin with, but still if you look there are a decent amount of effects, just didn't want them super obvious screaming "HEY LOOK AT ME IMA C4D AND BEWM" It's from RO (Ragnarok online) never played it myself but liked the stock. stock:
I beg to differ. I signature wouldn't be a signature without effects. By 'work on effects' I mean read up on tutorials and learn techniques, displacement, splatter, clipping mask, textures, c4ds, etc.
There is a displacement and a c4d, it's mostly smudging in the sig and I know how to use all those; they just wouldn't work with this one's style. Also, I signature would be a signature without effects, you just need to know how to do it. Alot of the best sig's that I have seen didn't use them.
I guess that is true. _pixel's stuff doesn't use much effects other than tablet/cinema4d...and lighting adjustments.