The Littel Pony and Daisy Man1235 (brothers) Download NOW- : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Supported Game Types: Slayer. (We will add more soon!) Map Description A very tactical map. My brother and I don't usually like 1-shot-kill weapons much, but here it worked well. So we have two swords and a shotgun. The Map consists of two sides, the sewer area and the more open area. Sorry, I did not know that advanced can change the name. I will not make this mistake in the future. Again, sorry. Weapons On Map: Battle Rifle x6 Assault Rifle x6 Maulers x2 Energy Swords x2 Shotgun x1 Spikers x4 Carbine x1 Plasma Pistol x2 Plasma Rifle x3 Grenades: Frags x6 Plasmas x8 Spike x4 Some Pictures: Danger- The Open Side- Tunnels- Download NOW- : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Ok I guess it is. If you wanted to rename, then you can Advanced Edit the thread. Request the forum change to a mod. But don't post again
Yeah he made a roof, but that doesn't do it, you can tell he didn't put that much time on it. Sorry dude, this still doesn't... work.
This looks like it took a total of 4 min to make. sorry you gotta interlock to even compete with others
First off you don't need to post the same map twice all you needed to do was edit your first post however we don't need a spam board here so people the COMMENTS ABOUT THE DOUBLE POST STOP HERE. Second this map would not play well at all you have swords and shotguns and maulers as almost all of your weapons. In the back area it would be so easy to camp and get free, unjust kills This would ruin the gameplay. Also posting more pics and a lay out would be nice and helpful so we could really see what it looks like. With some changes the map could be good but right now it needs a lot of work.