Well, I usually refuse to support any new Metallica stuff. Been that way for a long time. They were the first band I really got into growing up, and I still love all their old stuff. But I haven't liked anything past the black album (which was when I first got into them). In fact, I've genuinely disliked most of it. Not to mention the whole napster-how-can-anyone-like-this-band-anymore thing. To me, it seems obvious this new game is just a way to push their new stuff (in a non-pirate-friendly way by the way). Obviously, they will have to put old stuff in too, otherwise it wouldn't sell, but still. I bought their old stuff DLC in Rock Band, and will probably buy any more old stuff DLC that comes out (just because I used to try to teach myself drums listening to old Metallica), but it goes against my principles.
maybe there should be a battle against iron maiden,and which guiter hero was sandman in?BTW some of the best videos I ever watched
Sorry to ruin your fun but I made a thread like this awhile ago.... Here it is But considering it would be necro-posting to post in it, continue on with your discussions...