i think that there should be a guitar hero game with only metal songs on it. because they have the best guitar in them. so tell me what you think
I don't have guitar hero, but mabye they should make Albums that keep the songs by category, so metals are all in one area...
Do you mean despite the fact that the last 2-3 tiers of GH1-3 have been 90% metal? The only one I can think of that wasn't was Frankenstein, but that's because you had to play piano and saxophone on guitar. Although it would be cool, I don't think GH will focus on pure genre for a while, just bands.
It needs to be more REAL metal, and not faggotty sellout garbage. And sorry dude, but GH:Grunge would be extremely boring. I like the genre but, not so much for playing in GH.
Yeah their should be a guitar hero metal, that would be great. You could play all the great metal songs, and the game could be brutal.
one of the only awesome songs on there so far has been Six by All That Remains. It was my favorite to play. Ive liked other songs that were on there, but none were as fun to play.