Guide To Effects

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Smeagle, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    This is not my tutorial. It was taken from the front page of I am only posting it here because it is extremely helpful.

    C4D Renders

    A C4D render, is a 3d picture made with a program called Cinema 4D. There are many different ways they can be used when making signatures. C4D renders come in 3 forms, normal, effect and wireframe renders.

    In abstract signatures, a single C4D render is often used as the main focal point. These often come with a transparant background.

    One of the most used types of C4D renders, are the so called "effect renders". An effect render is a great way to spice up your signature and add all sorts of cool effects. Here is an example what can be done using C4D effect renders:

    Without the use of effect renders:
    and now the same signature with C4D renders:

    Effect renders almost always come with a black background, so when you add them to your signature you will need to get rid of the black background somehow. This can easily be done by changing the layers blending mode to colour dodge, linear dodge, screen, or lighten.

    Basically you will just need to play around with the layer settings until you find one that looks good. Removing the black background completely

    Every image normally consists of the channels: blue, red and green but sometimes the maker also adds an alpha channel. You can use this channel to select the complete C4D render, without selecting the black background.

    To do this click on the alpha channel using ctrl+left click.
    Now you should have a selection of your render, simply copy and paste this into an empty canvas and your black background is gone!

    Note that for this to work the C4D creator needs to have added an alpha channel, else this will not work.

    Wireframe renders are the last type of often used C4D renders. They are often used to make skin look "robotic" or in the background to make the signature look more interesting.

    How to open C4D renders

    C4D renders are saved in multiple formats, .png, .tif, .jpg or anything else. You can always open it in photoshop by using File > Open inside photoshop. How to use C4D renders

    I get this question a lot, but there is no simple answer to this. You will need to experiment and practice a lot to learn the real power of C4D renders, and when and how to use them.

    What works for me is that I first search for a C4D render that matches the color of my signature. Then I add it to my canvas and move it into a position that fits the signature. I then play around with the blending mode of the layer untill I like what I see. If I see parts which I don't like I remove them. Where to find C4D renders

    For me the biggest trouble with using C4D renders was finding them, but don't worry I have done all the hard work for you!

    I have made a special package that includes:

    50 C4D wireframe renders
    100 C4D effect renders
    50 C4D renders
    19 lightning renders

    (Click on the image to go to our forums so you can download the package)

    If you don't want to register on the forums, check out Stinky666 he has some great C4D packs on Deviantart.

    Of course you could also try a google search
  2. Shade117 pro

    Shade117 pro Ancient
    Senior Member

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    is C4D free cause i forgot??
  3. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cinema 4 D is not free. It costs somewhere around 700 dollars I believe.
  4. Shade117 pro

    Shade117 pro Ancient
    Senior Member

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    DAMN but lol anyways cause i saw a cracked V of C4D

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