Guide : How to make a successful Forge Map. Innovative OK first of all you gotta analyze what your gonna do, think every pro and contra. be sure that its an innovative map, you don't wanna make something its been done before. So make sure you visit Community Flies 2 or 3 times before making your map. Just to make sure nobody has done it. Can I? Before you rush into doing your map, make sure it can be done. I suggest making a close average of what objects are you gonna use, that way you will not end up with missing objects. This happened to me before. and I tell you I´t ain't funny. So think again. Can I do that? if you cant...well think of what other object could be used in replacement. Be careful with this step couse it may ruin your map. Let´s GO! After you analyzed it, its time for you to grab the controller and start forging, rember be patient sometimes forging can get into your nerves. so if your stuck with something don't give up you'll be amazed what you can reach with a little bit of patience. I suggest starting with the hard stuff, like the main parts of the map, don't get into to details till the structure is made. Testing Before you upload the map into, make sure you have tested it, gather some friends and play your map, make sure it has no mistakes, otherwise you can end up in the horrible situation of error, hey dude your respawns suck, or CTF wont work. and you don't want that. So gather your friends and test your map. If for some reason they don't wanna help you. tellem you'll add a Thanks to testers. and add their gamertag. maybe that will make them help you. EPIC pictures This is an elementary phase to succeed, PICTURES, make sure to take epic pictures from your map, I made several polls about it. and I came with the theory of good pics = Download, and please take pics of the map also, that way they will know what they are downloading. I suggest this. save the film of the test games, that way you will also take pictures of the map in action, that will give you some more downloads. Map Name and Description OK this is a vary important decision, make a name that grabs attention, that way they will go ¨Oh that map sounds INTERESTING¨ and they will enter your thread. and the description, make sure it explains the map in brief words and that they sound interesting. Something catchy. like WOW is that a giant robot. no its bungienator you moron. something like that. So think very well this. it might be the difference between 10,000 and 1000 Downloads. UPLOADING If you don't know how to please read below. 1.-In any menu press start. 2.-Select Fileshare 3.-Select a slot 4.-Select the branch you gonna upload (pics, video, map, game variant) 5.-Done! 6.-It will be placed in you account fileshare. Posting into Forums This is necessary, you gotta make an interesting post, make sure to link some pics. and the map description. please be brief, you don't wanna bore them to death. make sure its neat and readable. next I will post a link of how should it look like. oh and the SUBJECT! like I said before make something catchy. and think what does a subject contains that makes me enter to it? Example This was I guide on how to make a successful map, I hope it helps you. by, AlExThEgReAt22 Please feel free to post your questions.
very information to those who don't know how. But I think most of the people in the forum have at least made 1 map
Not all of them are exactly up to par, if catch my drift. Great guide, Alex, but most people either already know that, or don't read before they post.
There are some people who put "less effort" into a map, which shows almost immediately after loading it up and playing it. Hopefully this guide will help those looking to learn more. But sadly, there are others who will never learn. That's a fact of life that can be applied almost anywhere... YOU CAN LEAD A HORSE TO WATER, BUT YOU CAN'T MAKE IT DRINK Great guide, nice job. --dc