Okay, well, thanks for the feedback, however, until I encounter this problem, I probably won't be changing anything. Reasoning: Spawning, just be more aware when moving, block splatters happen, and generally end up with an uproar of laughter. The games i've played only one or two people actually had the problem of spawn splatters. I cannot drop the blocks onto the cannons because the blocks spawn in center of the walls and have the mancannon push them out. Spawning them in the walls adds extra momentum to when they finally break free. Not to mension the arena is too large to have only 6 blocks on it at a time. Keep in mind that while this map supports all gametypes, it is primarily set up for Guardian Ball. Thanks for the feebback though.
Ok no worries.. as i say, i was only playing FFA Snipes and only had 3 people playing. At the moment my internet is completely ****ed because BT are lazy ****ers who wont unbundle cables so i can actually get decent broadband. my current dl is 0.97mb/s and my up is 0.37mb/s how ****ed is that?
I LOVE guardian ball i paly it all the time with friends it works really well with three people i will DL this game when i free up some space looks good nice job
OMG im gonna come over there and break your wifi permanently. And then fix it once a month so that you can upload like twenty of the sickest maps of all time. This is incredible dude, one night? i dont even have the patience for that... WOW