Here are two screenshots taken during the campaign. Neither are staged. Comment, rate, and whatnot. Guardian Angel He's Better than Cortana! Storming Hero I would put in some more, but my other thread had a bunch and it didn't get any replies so I don't really want to go to the trouble of uploading them for no reason. EDIT: Here's a few more non-staged campaign shots. God-Given It's not a very special effect, but I still think it's a cool shot Apprentice: Learning from the best This one was in my other thread that no one replied to and I really want some feedback on it. I just really like it for some reason. Final Hope (or Looking Down)
1st one is pretty impressive. The light that's centered around the ODST is pretty amazing. 2nd one is decent. Nice pose and effect, but it still lacks something.
They don't really seem like anything special. Second ones better though. I just felt the effects were overused.
Didn't like the second one much. Can't disagree with the fifth one although it is very easy to do. My favourite is the fourth one. It's pretty clever. What is that guy in the first pic? They're not ODSTs... who are they?
I see you added 3 others. 3rd one: I like this one. I like how the line corresponds with Chief. It's the best out of all of them. 4th one: Effect isn't anything special, but the poses are pretty great. 5th one: The color contrasts are nice, but a very bad pose and unoriginal shot.