Update: Version 1.2. Closed off one more part of the map so you cannot get out. Added new Battle Screenshots.
I really like this, high-quality stuff. Like I said when we played on it, I like the differant areas that are so distinguishable from one another. It helpls so much in Foundry where it's hard to keep from disorienting people because everything looks the same. Also, you put plenty of attention into smoothing everything out (interlocking, straight walls, etc), so go ahead and eat that victory cookie now.
[eating]Victory Cookie[/eating] Thanks everyone again for the great feedback. I just played on this map again, with about 8 people. Plays even better, more chaotic, and faster with eight people. You are always being shot at, or shooting at someone. The main problem that people have with this map so far are the shield doors. I may have to change that. Edit: Ok I would have made another post for this but that would be Double-Posting, which is a no-no. I just made front page for this map on a site called Forge Guide, it is similar to Forge Hub just smaller. Here is the link for it. http://www.forgeguide.com/portal.php
I like how everything is placed perfectly, but it is not as though you are playing in a box. Does that make any sense?
@Bnasty, I feel you might have overlooked my map a little. The score is higher than I would have expected it to be, but that is only because you scored most everything that night a little higher than it should have been or at least if you were according to the Furious' scoring. But still it shuold have ranked a little higher seeing how this map ranked second to last in the ones we played according to you, of course you couldn't stay and see the others but still. You graded mine saying that it was not balanced, in what way. I think I got most of it balanced. There are no power weapons on the map in the technical sense besides the Rockets which spawns every 2 minutes (I think) with only 2 shots. The needler rarely dominates, the brute shot doesn't do to much, and the only other weapon I could think that people would think over powering is the mauler. The mauler is only ever good on the inside parts of the map which you can easily be countered by throwing grenades in there. Creativity wise, I haven't seen a slayer map like this, most maps are focused on objectives and team slayer this map was geared to slayer, which most maps never do. Plus each building or section was very unique physically and game play wise. I don't know how much better I could have done on the execution since just about everything was interlocked with each other. I would say there were some nice details, floating weapons due to weapon holders on the walls. A truck over turned with its cargo over turned as well. I nice elevator shaft. I can't see what other details there could be that would really stick out on such a small map. I don't mean to come across snippy just this is my map and I am trying to give it justice by defending it, in no way am I attacking you only defending my map. I would like for more comments from you so I can know what to fix or things you just did not like about the map.
Furious review Ghost, same thing happened to me, although I got a 5/10 for weapon balance on a Conquest game, with a sniper being the only power weapon that is even allowed on the map, and creativity was low, even though its the first conquest map with a switch on it, and one of the first maps to even have a switch. Seems like our reviewers' teams were a little... distracted... while playing that night.(read the furious post on my map, he even says he wasnt paying attention in it) And thus, I am not very happy with this review but, its just something we have to deal with. Although a bad review by the furious team = bad publicity because of how respected the furious review is. Sorry if I am looking like a brat, but these maps were made with much time and effort, and deserve to be treated like it. ----------------edit--------------------- well, after asking for it, my map was re-reviewed and it turns out my map was confused with yours kind of. (lolwut) And some scores got screwed up. I would reccomend asking your scores to be re-reviewed and see if it gets edited in a pm, because getting reviewed can publisize your map in a positive or negative way, and it is a huge deal to the person who spent much time creating the map.
Well the thing is he is going under the Furious Review name but he wasn't really in the Furious Review, which is fine just I would've liked a little more focus towards my map, all he said in his review was that he was pwning us. I think he was paying more attention to himself trying to win, than my map, which would be fine if we weren't reviewing maps. And I will ask for a re-review.
the problem was 2/3 of the people who were testing had maps in there, so no one was posting reviews, so I just took initiative so that it wasn't a waste of review. These were all my opinions - Furious wasn't even there to test. And yes, as sword scar said, at the end I tried to put them back into chronological order, but that turned kind of tragic. Also, it wasn't until about three days after writing the review I decided to forge through the maps, because people were generally unhappy with my scoring. If I was to redo yours you would have ranked far higher in creativity and detail for the switch, kind of arrogant miss on my part, I think I'd be better off deleting that post. But no, this map was pretty fun. Ya, I think I'm going to go do that.