Thats right folks in its first week of life GTA triumphs over the leaders in activity. Source: -Donuts
Well it's not surprising. The amount of people on Halo3 when it first came out would be substatially more than there is now. So big new game with tones of hype at the top in it's first week? Shock horror? Not that I'm saying it's a bad game. It's a great game! Not revolutionary though, and a bit overrated. It's still just a GTA game. In my opinion, Halo3 has better online play then GTAIV.
i agree. it barely came out so of course its going to be at the top. when halo 3 and gears came out most people were playing them. now people are still playing those games, but fewer people than the week it launched. i give it a month before the gta craze begins to calm down. its a good game but not everyone will be playing it in a month.
omg i thought gta 4 was going to be AMAZING but the only thing fun in it was the story. like there was absolutely nothing else to do besides missions :/ oh and multiplayer too but yeah.
Yeah like I said, it was too over hyped. It's just another GTA game, sure it's bigger and has better graphics. But all sequals should... But all the missions are the same... Everything is pretty much the same. Just has a new story. Missions are fun yeah, oh oh and I only have to get 40 more pigeons =] Multiplayer is okay, nothing like Halo3 though. Also there really isn't too much skill involved when you have autoaim. The combat system isn't really refined enough to be in multiplayer to be honest...
youre forgetting that they took out alot of junk too. it seemed smaller to me, not bigger D: san andreas seemed GIGANTIC compared to this one :/ you can fly across the entire city in about 19 seconds with the helicopter in this one :d &&& they only have 3 different clothe stores in this one
This Game Tops All, Gta 4 Is The Best.i Have A Friend Dat Says He Dont Want The Game But We I Tell Him About It And Invite Him It Pisses Him Off.....this Game Is Great Im The Envy Of My Friends So Far
Lol, now that's interesting. I'm not surprised at GTA's LIVE activity but I'm wondering if it'll beat Halo 3 in number of copies sold.
Everyone including Soggy think about this, Halo 3 may not hold up against those games in their first few months or so, but which game do you think will outlast them all? Halo, after all, people consitently played Halo 2 for 5 years, far longer than in numbers and time than any of the other fanchise titles, so basically, Halo is still King of the hi.... errm, top dog overall.
damn soggy never posts lol but halo 3 is always gonna be on the list and i hate cod4 (i played it enuff and still have it only cuz my frends do) and hope that dum game does down
Actually Call of Duty 4 topped halo 3 the week it came out and Halo 3 has never recovered, they have always been second. I think you guys are undermining the amazement of GTA. The comment about GTA IV being smaller is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. It's much bigger, you can fly over it faster because... well you can fly! The helicopter in San Andreas was slow and stupid. The city is huge, and the multiplayer is quite amazing if you ask me. Oh and theres this: -Donuts
eventually GTA 4 will die down, its a great game but people can only play it for so long, thats why halo 3 will always stay on that list
Multiplayer is meh... About GTA4 being smaller and San Andreas being bigger is just stupid... Dumbest thing I have ever heard also. GTA Vice City and San Andreas weren't able to be very because of hardware limitations. So instead they used tricks to make everything appear bigger. Making the chopper slower than the one in GTA4 is just one example of the many tricks they used to make it appear bigger.
well i have the game and there's not many things special bought it.Most game raters rate by sold copies not by gameplay and stuff.The hype of gta would make it top other games in the sold copies thing