I was wondering if it is at all possible to import save game files on GTA IV PC? I'm wanting to buy it but I was wondering if I had to start from scratch. I played it on xbox 360, and I want to start from a specific place on pc.
As far as I know its not possible to transfer your save games cross platform, you could transfer the save itself using a Microsoft transfer kit or some other third party software but I doubt its possible for you to actually be able to use the data in any way.
Darn it, I didn't mean to word it that way. I don't necessarily want to use my actual xbox data, but I was wondering if somehow it'd be possible to get a save of what mission I'm up to as a download.
You can try to use the control thing or whatever ~ is, I think that might work. By the way, there are a lot of awesome mods for GTA4 for the PC. They're epic. Check them out.
ok, at this point all I want is to be able to freely travel between the islands as soon as I pick up the game. What I DON'T want is to have to do every single mission over again. So if there was a mod that could get rid of the barriers and the police on the other islands, I'd very much like it. EDIT: I found a mod no thanks to anyone here. Lock please.