Hello everyone and welcome to this post, this map (unlike snow fortress which is now deleted off my share because it sucked bad) has pics so it is up to FH standards thanks to haloscreenshots OK now to the map Ground Force is a well tested and cheat-proof valhalla map (I will make a sandbox version) where it is all about dodging This game was inspired by playing on Mass Driver, I had rechargable grenades and I tried to stick my friend who was in the hornet, this gave me an idea Now you may be thinking why valhalla and not sandbox, well because I am aware that not everyone has the mythic map pack and I want everyone to play on this Anyway, here is an overview And another overview Now here are the rules... The zombie gets into the hornet like so Then tries to dodge the grenades that the humans throw, which this person obviously did not do And... BOOM!!! Custom Powerups make you jump higher Plz download the map and gametype MAP: Halo 3 File Details GAMETYPE: Halo 3 File Details
It's not really good enough to post before you get it up to standards. You should have the post in a different tab, then edit it using another tab.
do not worry it is updated now and there are pictures, told you they would come within the hour plz comment, I went through a lot of work with waiting for the pics and all the other stuff