
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by PA1NTS, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Created by: PA1NTS

    Hello ladies and gentlemen, today I am proud to release the final version of Gristle to the public. Gristle is a small symmetrical map designed for competitive matches.

    The map supports the following gametypes:

    • CTF
    • KOTH
    • Slayer
    • Regicide

    CTF Specific

    Due to short and easy flag captures, bottom gold hallway is blocked off in CTF. This means that the Concussion Rifle is not available in CTF either.


    Railgun x1 | 180 seconds | 1 spare clip | Top Gold
    Concussion Rifle x1 | 180 seconds | 0 spare clip | Bottom Gold

    Sniper Rifle x1 | 120 seconds | 0 spare clip | Top Green
    Jetpack x1 | 180 seconds| N/A | Bottom Green
    Storm Rifle x2 | 180 seconds | 2 spare clip | Bottom Blue/Bottom Red
    DMR x2 | 90 seconds | 1 spare clip | Green Elbow
    BR x2 | 90 seconds | 1 spare clip | Top Red/Top Blue
    Carbine x2 | 90 seconds | 1 spare clip | Gold Ramp
    Magnum x2 | 90 seconds | 1 spare clip | Blue Spawn/Red Spawn
    Frag Grenades x4 | 60 seconds | N/A | Red Jump/Blue Jump
    Pulse Grenades x2 | 90 seconds | N/A | Top Green

    Quicktime Video Walkthrough


    Youtube Gameplay










    #1 PA1NTS, Mar 27, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2013
  2. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    My one complaint with your recent 2v2 maps is that they feel so similar. However, they each are well built arenas, fine tuned to be the best they can be. Gristle is another fantastic 2v2 arena (I like it a bit more than Anvil even), I only wish you would do more like Exia with your competitive maps.What I've seen lately looks similar to one another.

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