Foundry Grinder

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Ethrock, Apr 19, 2009.

  1. Ethrock

    Ethrock Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I completed this new map variant some time ago, but just finished about 6 or so hours of rigorous steady play testing and modifications.

    Just so you guys know, here's the edits that have occurred so far due to play testing:

    - Two grav lifts added to prevent players from camping teleporters (IE standing in one and waiting with a sniper/BR lined at the other)
    - Receiver nodes on the top floor rotated to each face one side of the upper floor. There were two reasons for this edit. 1. This makes it harder to fire on other players if both players teleport together. 2. When jumping off crates into the teleporters players found themselves being flung off the upper level due to maintained acceleration. This has not yet occurred again since the edit.
    - Weapon balancing and the addition of a power drain.
    - Re-design of the centre bottom floor.

    As with anything else constructive criticism is welcome, and requested! Spamming or deconstructive criticism (IE OMFG U CANT INTERLOCK U ARE SUCKS!) etc. would be more appreciated outside of this topic, in fact, outside of most of these forums I'm sure. I know that the map isn't feature quality, but as my first completed map, I don't expect that. What I'm looking for is some tips on how I could improve my ideas/designs.

    Yeah, I'm going to copy paste my post from over on the Bungie forums. However it will have the addition of images. I got some basic overview images and a few combat shots with some friends last night. I did the best I could for camera angles, I apologize if anything is difficult to see.

    Copy-paste begins... now:

    I am about as lost as lost gets, if this does not belong here, I apologize to the moderators for the difficulty, but I couldn't find a more accurate forum area to make this post.

    I've just completed my first total map variant that I'm satisfied enough with to make a forum post about it. As with any map uploaded, constructive criticism is always welcomed, ranting and spamming is requested to be left out.

    A few things before we get started:

    1. No. There is no geomerging, and the only interlocking is in the barriers at the side of the map. I know how to do both of these things, they just didn't suit Grinder. So please don't flood the thread with posts about what a noob I am because I can't interlock. (I'm not worried about this from most users with a good post count, and credibility on the forum.)

    2. Yes I am aware that the map is not entirely symmetrical.

    So the basics out of the way

    Grinder is based in Foundry.

    Grinder is a semi-symmetrical map with an open floor plan and a two floor layout. Both the upper and lower levels are open with available cover to avoid sturdy setup locations and to promote steady moving fast paced gameplay. Snipers are available but limited due to the maps size and visibility. Four teleporters on the ground lead to two up top (they are labeled by A and B signs, the sign by the sender indicates which sign a player will emerge from) and also two grav lifts available in the map (to avoid players blocking + camping teleporters). An open centre (Canadian spelling.) in the top floor allows players above more ability to fire on moving players below. A Warthog does exist in the map but is unusable and is for aesthetic purposes only (originally there were many human vehicles here, and many covenant vehicles on the other side, but budget limits reduced it down to one hog.) Feel free however to shoot the nearby fusion coils!

    That's about all for the description guys.

    Reccomended gametypes:
    Small Team Slayer (2v2 etc)
    Small Team Swat *
    FFA Slayer
    FFA Swat *

    *Note that an issue with swat is that grav lifts cannot be picked up. If you are playing swat it is recommended you enable equipment pickup. All other equipment should be disabled (the only other available equipment is the power drain dead centre on the lower floor)

    Gametypes you should avoid:
    CTF - One flag and Multi

    Grinder is set up for all gametypes but as per above some gametypes work better than others. Feel free to experiment of course, and let me know if you find other rule sets more suited to the map.

    Now some screenshots!

    The main overview, this is what the top level looks like from side B.

    Looking from off to the side we can see some of the ground floor. Directly underneath the camera is an A side teleporter. To the left is a booby trap and straight in front is the middle combat area. If a heat map were available, this area and the top level are the most common combat zones. (from play testing)

    This image shows us a B side teleporter and gives a good view of the fact that the map has full moving capability. Players can move behind double boxes to prevent having them cut off any portion of the map. As stated before Grinder is intended to be a quick paced map keeping players moving and on their toes.

    A final overview this lets us see the other side of the map from a similar perspective. Warning: hard hat zone. Watch for falling objects. ;)

    Also, just to clarify here's the Warthog referenced in the post (assuming you read through it).

    Now for a few in game combat/action shots!





    The Bungie Forum is here (just scroll to the bottom of the post for the download link.) Also feel free to vote in the poll after you've tried Grinder out for yourself!

    Special Thanks to:


    For your time and play testing. Thanks guys!

    Thank you to the fine folks here at Forgehub as well, for the helpful tutorials and the (hopefully) helpful insight I receive on this map (yup, a preemptive thanks. Take that!)
    #1 Ethrock, Apr 19, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2009
  2. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    meh its ok for a map that doesn't have interlocking and geomerging its an ok map just try interlock next time. 3/5
  3. Ethrock

    Ethrock Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ah but it does have interlocking ;) just not within the playable bounds. Thanks for the comment.
  4. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh hey it does like what you said its not in playable bounds he he kinda hard to notice though.
  5. Apple s4uc3

    Apple s4uc3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a ok map but there is no interlocking or merging u should go find out how but good gametypes and looks like it has good gameplay.
  6. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Looks pretty easy to get outside of the map, which I'm sure that people will do.

    Foundry is overused when it comes to forging and unfortunately for you, this map comes way too late in the game. It will be very difficult for you to get much attention for this map. Had this map came out when Foundry first came out, you may have had a chance.

    There are just too many very well forged maps on Foundry for this map to even get many downloads. Unfortunately this map just isn't impressive enough.
  7. Ethrock

    Ethrock Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Please read the description for the map. Then comment.

    1. There is interlocking
    2. I know how to do these things
    3. It didn't suit my plan for Grinder

    Those three things were ALL stated in the description. Thank you kindly.

    I am aware of that, as stated in the description but thanks. As for getting out of the map I've tested extensively and was not able to get out (outside of forge mode) but I'm sure someone will find a way. Also I didn't have foundry til well after it came out, as I wasn't on live steadily when it came out.
    #7 Ethrock, Apr 19, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2009

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