Download Welcome to Grinder V 2.0 This is the official update for Grinder, and replaces the old version. See below for a full list of what's changed, and what you need to know about this new map. Let's start with everybody's favorite part though; Screenshots! Upper Level Lower Level New Sniper Spawn New Fusion Coil (For added fun when tossing that spool at your enemies, or allies. Your choice.) New Barriers (These ones should be unbreakable) New Equipment Interlocked Staircases Geo-merged Open Boxes New Gravity Lift Locations Forging 101 Checklist: Geomerging (Yes) Interlocking (Yes) Floating Objects (Yes) Advanced Grav Lift Techniques (No) Timed Events (No) So let's start at the basics. I'll start by reintroducing Grinder in the words I used originally, as they're still applicable. Grinder is based in Foundry. Grinder is a semi-symmetrical map with an open floor plan and a two floor layout. Both the upper and lower levels are open with available cover to avoid sturdy setup locations and to promote steady moving fast paced gameplay. A Sniper are available but limited due to the maps size and visibility. Four teleporters on the ground lead to two up top (they are labeled by A and B signs, the sign by the sender indicates which sign a player will emerge from) and also two grav lifts available in the map (to avoid players blocking + camping teleporters). An open centre (Canadian spelling.) in the top floor allows players above more ability to fire on moving players below. A Warthog does exist in the map but is unusable and is for aesthetic purposes only. Players may also spot a Mongoose, Wraith, and two Ghosts. Though the vehicles are unusable Feel free to shoot the nearby fusion coils! Reccomended gametypes: Small Team Slayer (2v2 etc) Small Team Swat * FFA Slayer FFA Swat Gametypes you should avoid: CTF - One flag and Multi Assault Territories Grinder is set up for all gametypes but as per above some gametypes work better than others. Feel free to experiment of course, and let me know if you find other rule sets more suited to the map. Version 2.0 Changes: - Second gravity lift removed from hiding - Symmetry Improved - Open Boxes Geomerged into ground - Barriers improved - Sniper count reduced to 1 - Sniper spawn set to platform between bridges - Weapons revamped - Staircases interlocked into double boxes - Centre wall straightened - Fusion coil placed beside wire spool Weapons: Sniper Rifle x1 (2 Clips, 60 Seconds) Spiker x2 (2 Clips, 30 Seconds) Plasma Rifle x2 (30 Seconds) Assault Rifle x1 (2 Clips, 30 Seconds) Battle Rifle x3 (2 Clips, 30-45 Seconds) Needler x2 (0 Clips, 45 Seconds) Equipment: Bubble Shield x1 (45 Seconds) Plasma Grenade x4 (30-45 Seconds) Frag Grenade x2 (30-45 Seconds) Gravity Lift x2 (30 Seconds) Special Thanks to: LadyAriz BladeKid Therosis1 ProjectFlameout Death LazyBullet211 s117MasterMatt