Grimace Hello and welcome to the thread of the map I call Grimace. This map is great for asymmetric game types,oddball, FFA slayer, and other small team games. The recommended amount of players is 6-8 (teams of 3v3 or 4v4) My favorite game to play on this is one flag. Before you play, though, you probably want to change to a faster respawn time for faster paced action. I find 3-4 second respawn times great. This is where the flag spawns: Flag return point Central Overview Attackers Spawn Defenders Spawn Onward to Victory! Another Overview Make Love Not War Thank you for all that helped me test this map. It took me about 7 hours to make. Plus 1 hour of testing. I hope you all enjoy playing this as much as I do. Please comment and rate on the GAMEPLAY not he pictures. Thank you and Happy Forging! GRIMACE
The map seems interesting but it does not have much by the way of ascetics. But it seems interesting. Will DL. I suggest the v2 version have more ascetics.
this map looks pretty good and i just want to tell you if you make a V2 just edit this thread dont start a new one. GReat map once again
I purposely did not place aesthetics because themed maps are not my thing. This is just a fun place to play 1 flag/bomb. Thanks sharpshooter for the nice comment
Nice map! I agree with you on ascetics, when I'm going all-out with my friends 'sprinting' after a bomb/flag carrier (can't really call master chief's run a sprint) I'm not gonna stop to look around and smell the roses. All I care about is a map that plays smoothly and is fun and I think this map does just that. Good job! Will definitely dl.
looks really open and i dont see much in the way of weapons. I do like the dividing brigde though, i think it adds a little touch to the personality of the map.
Im seeing great interlocking and weapon placement, but not enough cover. Im not too worried about the aesthetics, (it looks great to me), but some more protection would be great. Maybe add a couple overturned boxes and expand the floor, and throw in some barriers/fence walls or even a deployable cover or two. Just some thoughts if you ever wanted to create a V2. Other than that, looks great!
I agree with T3CH. The aesthetics look fine to me, but it does seem like some areas are just a bit open. Make a couple corner wall huts; my favorite, hehe. Could you give us a list of the weapon set too? All in all I'd say 4/5 for aesthetics, 4/5 for gameplay(I'm speculating here, but I'll get back to you if I get around to dling), and 3/5 for effort. Looks good, but it could be better.
Nice to see the map up after testing it last night. Glad you fixed the stairs and bridges, it looks a lot better! Did you fix the starting spawns? It was SOOOO hard to defend before.
5/10 Construction looks okay, a bit rushed. The layout is poor, it is way too empty. Interlocking shows nothing new or unique.
I bet you haven't even played it. Please read the post. Judge on GAMEPLAY not on images. It works well no matter what the images say. Thanks for the tip! I know its a little open but I tried putting some stuff down and it didn't look that great.
I downloaded and did a quick play through. Its a decent looking map. The gameplay kinda reminded me of relic from halo 2 at times. It is a fun map but I didn't like the spawns. They are clumped together and they are very predictable... kinda leads to spawn camping. I know you put them all over the map but a team working together could cover those spots. One last thing is the open areas on the sides. If there was a little more cover I think it could be played. Everything seems to happen in the center and it makes the map seem smaller. A few small tweaks and it will be a very cool map.
wow i like the concept of the map, and the last pic says it all its simple, yet looks incredibly epic i cant wait to dl and kick my bro off of CoD4 so i can play it
Map loos bare.I know you said your not in for aesthetcis but I was expecting a little more on the sides of the attackers/defenders bases.The overall structure in the middle looks really cool though.My suggestions would be on the sides add some sort of tunnel thing that connects both bases or whatever you want.