MAP DESCRIPTION: MLG GRIFFON is a symetrical mlg map, obviously. It supports all mlg gametypes including my own special mlg territories gametype. Each team does not have a set base like most mlg foundry maps. Which I think forces the team to move around more, rather than just hang out at there base. The center of the map is a golden spot on this map. It holds all the power weapons in the map. And is definantly a key point for your team to control. The map itself is the usual squared off foundry(more specifically rectangular) and at each back corner near the two large doors, are two small bases which provide good vantage points of the map. Each team spawns near a sniper rifle, which is very useful for providing coverfire and clearing out the hill in KOTH. GAMETYPES: red=recommended mlg team slayer mlg multi-flag mlg KOTH mlg oddball mlg territories: yes I did just make a mlg territories. I know not a lot of people like territories but I figured I throw it in there since I like it. The gameype settings are pretty much just your average mlg settings like the br starts and CPsettings. As for the territories settings, there are seven territories which do not lock after capture, and I think have a capture time of 15sec, ill have to check. I played only two games of it but both were a success and everyone had fun. I do have more to say but for now look at some PICS: Top-mid overview. Overview two. Overview three. One of two back corner bases. This a teams spawn and one of the hill locations. Flag spawns in open box and capture point is on bridge in upper left hand corner. CP spawn right underneath of where overviews one and two are taken from. Active camo spawn best used to sneak around enemy team to grab flag or sneak into the hill and surprise the other team. Mauler spawn located underneath of active camo, very useful on ground floor. Rocket launcher spawn, one of the five hill locations and is one of the most fought over spots on the map. ACTION SHOTS: BACK SMACK!!!1!! 3v1? BOOOM headshot! bye bye falcon whooaa that was close or not look at that line of sight. WEAPONS: 2snipers 2spareclips 120sec 1mauler 1spareclip 90sec 1rocket 0spareclip 150sec 6brs 2spareclip 10sec 5carbines 2spareclip 60sec 2plasma pisols 60sec EQUIPMENT/POWER UPS 10sticky nades 30sec 4 frag nades 30sec CP 180sec active camo 180sec And for those of you who are not big fans of MLG or just like the occasional casual/competitve game there is also a seperate downloadable map which has a non-mlg weapon set but still uses the gametypes CTF, TS, KOTH, ODDBALL, and TERRITORIES. CASUAL WEAPONSET 2snipers 2spareclip 120sec 4brs 2spareclip 10sec 1gravity hammer 150sec 4spikers 2spareclip 45sec 4smgs 2spareclip 45sec 4plasma rifles 60sec 2bruteshots 2spareclip 90sec 2needlers 2spareclip 120sec 1overshield 180sec 1active camo 180sec 10sticky nades 30sec 1regenerator 90sec 1bubbleshield 90sec Alright thanks for viewin my map, If you choose to download one of them or both of them I hope you enjoy. MLG GRIFFON GRIFFON(casual) MLG TERRITORIES
S'pretty. A very clean well thought out map, I'd use a grav lift instead of those man cannons, (Instant respawn), I would move the Camo and CP Farther away from eachother, as they look rather close. Same with the Mauler and Rockets. A bit of cover (like a dumpster) on the far right and left sides of the map, as they are a little open, And great asthetics, It compliments the game play too. 4'rd... But really about a 4.5.
10sticky nades 30sec 4 frag nades 30sec CP 180sec active camo 180sec 2snipers 2spareclips 120sec 1mauler 1spareclip 90sec 1rocket 0spareclip 150sec 6brs 2spareclip 10sec 5carbines 2spareclip 60sec 2plasma pisols 60sec I strongly recommend you to fix your weapons list. First off, there are too many stickies. Maybe you can leave about 4 of them on your map. Second, what were you thinking when you placed both the CP and the Camo? That was a really bad move because that will make the map extremely over-powered. Third, if you put two Snipers in a map, I suggest putting them to 1 spare clip unless your map is big enough. Fourth, you have a little too many Carbines. MLG maps don't usually have that much, they contain maybe about 2-4 at least. The map seems to have structures where people can jump on rather than walk on, that's one of the major problems of making an MLG map. You have to consider putting more ramps rather than letting the players jump a lot. Also, MLG maps use weapon holders only in holding down objects, and not for weapons. You sould have taken those away and maybe set them to drop spawn. The sides seem to be a bit open. Most or maybe even all the time, MLG maps contain bases in a symmetrical fashion. I hope this helped you and will make you a better forger in your next maps.
I agree with frigid, just one tiny other detail, if you take the weapon holders from underneath the camo and CP they will still stay where they are, and they are really close together. Maybe drop spawn the rockets from where they are to the spot on the ground below them, same with the mauler, so just delete the weapon holder and don't delete the weapons.
Looks good, but the weapon holder that holds the active came and custom powerup is sorta pointless. Otherwise, 4/5.
vERY NICELY PLACED CAMO AND CUSTOM POWERUP Also cool map by the way.Awsome but you could of put the weapon holders in the box ant he use of stairs. Nicely Done.
I actually really like the layout of this map, as well as the aesthetics. These structures look downright pretty, which is quite a feat in foundry. I agree with the previous comments about the number of weapons. MLG favors a much more stark weapon-set, especially on Foundry. Even though the layout of the map increases the amount of real estate on the map, there's just too many power weapons, especially for the pros. The sniper is arguably the best weapon of all, and you have TWO in addition to rockets, a mauler, and both power ups. So... this map has promise, and lots of it. But to really shine as an MLG map you need to tone down the weapon set. I'm interested to see what you do in a v2.