what do you think about the grifball hopper in halo 3? i dont like how host matters so much in that playlist and sometimes when you arm the bomb the round doesnt end..
its fine if your in teams, other wise its total sh*t, if you just play it by yourself you will end up with one of the following:: a bunch of mic-less bastards a bunch of whining 10 year olds a bunch of people who have no idea what to do a good team of people, very rare. or my favorite "DUDE I LOVE GRIFBALL!!!! YEAH!!! -30 seconds into the game- WTF!!!!THIS SUCKS BALLS!!! I'M LEAVING. player X left the game player Y left the game player Z left the game then the other team pwns you
I really hate those people that I accidentally betray and then they kill me and say "Now, we're even".
oh yeah, the betrayals are horible. "why did you betray me, you f**king noob?!?!?" i hate those people.
i hate when i betray someone, then they're like: ''wtf? why you betray me man?'' then i'm like ''dude, this is grifball, betrayals happen, if you dont want to get betrayed, go play something else, otherwise: stop BITCHING bout it!'' then he's silent
it totally destroyed mine... i score alot, but i get like -10 every time, but my friend gets like +10... my K/D was 1.21 but now its 1.16... i love griffball but i dont want my K/D to go down
The gravity hammer right now is the weapon I have the most kills with, I have over 100 more kills with it than beatdowns and and assault rifles. Also, i've gotten 2 exterminations and up to killamonjaro.