Grifball Tournement!!!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by DoKtuR Q, Mar 12, 2008.

  1. DoKtuR Q

    DoKtuR Q Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Whats up guys! ok me and The Alien123 are gonna host a griff ball tourny. you can enter as a team (up to 5 ppl) or you can enter bye yourself and be randomly placed in a team. we havent decided on a date yet because we wanna see how much response we get from you guys! So join up!

  2. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    Re: Griffball Tournement!!!

    I think there is already a thread about this.

    You also spelled "Grifball" wrong.
  3. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    Re: Griffball Tournement!!!

    There are wayyy too many grifball threads of this type. I dont know who either of you are, and i don't like grifball that much. Sorry, no thanks.
  4. frigoc1

    frigoc1 Ancient
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    Re: Griffball Tournement!!!

    ya, i made the first grifball tourney thread in halo discussion.....
  5. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Re: Griffball Tournement!!!

    I think you should have already set a date and time. Just a little more organization would have drawn a lot more people in. Instead of just saying, Hey guys lets have a tournament for Grifball, I don't really have date or time yet but join on up.
  6. DoKtuR Q

    DoKtuR Q Ancient
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    Re: Griffball Tournement!!!

    the whole reason we didnt set a date or time was exactly because of that we had no clue who if anyone would wanna sign up. because you dont know who we are, we are just trying to get involed in this community so that people can so please dont go bashing us we just wanted to get involved...
  7. Paralyzed King

    Paralyzed King Ancient
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    Re: Griffball Tournement!!!

    I think it would be a good idea if you did set a time and date for this Grifball Tourney.. It would show more organization to it, and also would make people who would want to sign up know exactly when they would need to be free to play in this tourney. Also, are there any prizes that go to the winners, anything else that people interested in signing up should know before they sign up, then having something like "Oh sorry guys, there's no prizes it's all for fun" If people sign up and aren't aware of these things it ruins your credibility and people probably won't sign up for things like this again. It's great that you are trying to get involved in the FH community, more power to you my man.. So just try and come up with a time and date and take it from there, I'm sure more people would sign up for it if you have a solidified tourney date.

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