Hi everyone! After playing lots of Grifball today I went on ForgeHub to look for any tips on how to play better. To my surprise I found no threads directed towards Grifball. I figured that I'd start a thread to discuss tips as well as tricks that have to do with Grifball. To start off, I want to share some starting plays that me and my friends have drawn up (as well as use). Gifball is a constantly changing game but one bad start can lose you the round. My diagrams are based off of Foundry Designer, then edited with Microsoft Paint. Each color represents a step. The order goes: 1. Red 2. Green 3. Blue 4. Black 5. Purple So far, my longest play has only been 5 steps. I also use a yellow line to represent an "offensive line" and orange dots to represesnt players.Also, her is a list of abreviations: 1. FL - The player that spawns on the Far Left spawn Point 2. CL - The player that spawns on the Close Left (By "close" I mean close to the bomb") spawn point. 3. FR - The player that spawns on the Far Right spawn point 4. CR - The player that spawns on the Close Right spawn point 5. CBP - Close Bomb Plant (Your teams bomb plant) 6. FBP - Far Bomb Plant (enemy bomb plant) 7. BS - Bomb Spawn Well, here goes: Note: I have more pictures but they are not appearing on my post. If you know why can you please tell me?