Hot battle in the middle of the crypt. A new challenge for all Grifballfans. Base plant point Bomb spawn point Tested by: DonnerGroll fanaticMMC Ninebreaker50 FlintWestwood86 SoldierxSt xxBLEIstIFtxx i7H ice Karpata CryNomadTek doener17 iTz OGrezZz v2 oI Parabola Io OmG iz Bananas SengardMF T2 Pr0tege XxXDkAy9XxX Download here: Grifball Revolt
nice, clean, well forged, brilliant upgrade from griffball.↲We need a new unique and fun mini game but for now i like this one, good job
Your timing is beautiful- good job posting a new Grifball map on a Grifball Double Experience Weekend. Im gonna try and snake a game or two by partying up with randoms. Your map layout is simple but the 3rd dimension I think will add alot to gameplay- at the very least it will be a delightful change of pace. Great work.
This looks pretty damn smexy yo. I love how was cleanly forged, and well planned from what it seems like. Great job! Only down side, is the area is so big D: Hahah.
Great grifball map. i have some i was going to post but they aren't nearly as beautiful... used this one last night in customs for a grifball-like oddball game i have, it was jawsome. I really like the way the steep part is on the side, rather than at the bases, as on chichen niza, or however its spelled